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2012/05/28 11:39:05瀏覽1437|回應0|推薦4

         在海明威的“ 流動的饗宴” (Moveable Feast) 原文p.157 有句頗長的句子 ” In those days I had a very bad, quick temper, but by the time we were through Montereau it had quieted down and I was not too angry to watch and enjoy the countryside and at noon I had a good lunch in the dinning car and drank a bottle of St. ‘Emilion and thought that even if I had been a damned fool to accept an invitation for a trip that was to be paid for by someone else, and was spending money on it that we needed to go to Spain, it was a good lesson for me.”  中譯本(成寒譯, 時報出版社)則譯成三句 “那時我是火爆脾氣, 動不動就發怒, 但火車過了蒙特羅, 我的怒火就平息了, 有心情觀賞車窗外的鄉間景色。正午時分, 我到餐車吃了一頓可口的午餐, 喝了一瓶聖埃米利翁酒。我邊吃邊想, 這回我可當了個該死的傻瓜---本來是接受別人的邀請, 由他出資旅行, 現在我卻把自己原打算去西班牙的錢貼上了---即使如此, 對我是個好教訓。“  該章描述海明威與費滋傑羅(Scot Fitzgerald, 大亨小傳的作者)懈逅的生動過程, 非常有趣。費滋傑羅當面稱讚海明威的作品很了不起, 然而海明威卻寫道” We still went under the system, then, that praise to the face was open disgrace.” (當面褒獎是公然的羞辱。)海明威還發現, “ Scott, I was to find, believed that the novelist could find out what he needed to know by direct questioning of his friends and acquaintances. 無怪乎費滋傑羅的質問非常直接(The interrogation was direct.), 他問海明威 ” Tell me, did you and your wife sleep together before you were married?” (你和你太太結婚前發生過關係嗎?)

        西方文學史上,約瑟夫‧康拉德(Joseph Conrad 1857—1924)堪稱英文的傑出文體家, 看看康拉德的筆調: “The political atmosphere of the Republic was generally stormy in these days. The fugitive patriots of the defeated party had the knack of turning up again on the coast with half a steamer's load of small arms and ammunition.” (Nostromo, pp.22) ; 同樣這個字knack(訣竅)看 Hillary 如何用: “ Bill wanted to approach health care reform from a new angle, and Ira, with his brilliant and creative mind, had a knack for coming up with inventive ways of looking at issues.” (Living History, pp.143) 是不是都用得很棒?

        關於談寫作的書可說汗牛充棟, 但我印像較深的有:Stephen King “ On Writing”(A Memoir of The Craft) ; 科幻小說泰斗Isaac Asimov 的 “Asimov On Science Fiction” ; 以及 “ Ernest Hemingway On Writing” 供讀者參考。

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