草莓(Tutim)是一首廣受歡迎的以色列流行歌曲。音樂好聽,節奏輕快,聽了你會不自主地,隨著音樂搖擺,舞動起來。名舞蹈老師 Orly Setareh 用此曲 編了一支行列舞,去年在南加卅甚為流行。下面是 Orly 的親自示範,非常有青春活力的感覺。若你還能跟著跳,你的体力還可以 :)
當初以為〈草莓〉只是寫給小孩子的兒歌,實際上是道盡以色列人飽受恐怖份子攻擊的痛苦心情。歌詞訴說一對(情侶)軍人,每天黎明開始,就要面對恐怖份子的攻擊。平常彈夾都裝滿了子彈,手榴彈不離手。他們厭倦了這種日子,他們唱道: 我們終將羸得反恐怖的戰爭。草莓,草莓,我們只要買草莓,不用再買武器了。道出了以色人心中深處的的無奈與希望。
草莓 (Tutim Techno) - 以色列
草莓 Tutim
詞曲: Crystal Lake
編舞: Orly Setareh
The coldness in your garden against the warmth of my garden
the bunker to your left against the artillery shell in my hand
your grenade is not fruit and it's ready in your hand here,
they are each ready in my rifle magazine.
The light goes up from the east,
a new day has arrived.
The two of us will overcome the terror
Strawberries, strawberries, come we'll buy only strawberries
Instead of other war-machines.
You blocked the bed with many bags of sand
On your head there's a helmet from the bunker on the left
You wished for my soul to be gone forever
But each bullet is ready in my magazine.
A light rises from the East,
A new day has arrived.
The two of us will overcome the terror.
Strawberries, strawberries, come -
let's buy only strawberries,
Instead of more war machinery.
Orly 的另一首舞