我試著理清頭緒 試著去理解 我是某種大意外的巧合結果嗎 我聽見一首旋律在呼喚我 那是某種非凡設計的回音 我整晚站在後院 往上瞧著天空裡的繁星 I'm trying to work things out I'm trying to comprehend Am I the chance result Of some great accident I hear a rhythm call me The echo of a grand design I spend each night in the backyard Staring up at the stars in the sky
我今天又和新的諮商師會晤 我的母親會哭著說: 「我不知道該拿她怎麼辦 她的反應如此遲鈍 我就是無法突破其心防 她整晚站在後院 往上瞧著繁星和月亮」 I have another meeting today With my new counselor My mom will cry and say I don't know what to do with her She's so unresponsive I just cannot break through She spends all night in the backyard Staring up at the stars and the moon
他們用圖表和曲線圖 記錄我的沮喪程度 他們想將自我療癒的路徑 製成一張圖表 並且想知道我在想些什麼 是什麼動機促成我有興致 每晚在後院 站著往上瞧繁星和月亮 They have a chart and a graph Of my despondency They want to chart a path For self-recovery And want to know what I'm thinking What motivates my mood To spend all night in the backyard Staring up at the stars and the moon
也許我受造就是這樣 就是要躺在田地的正中央 也許這想法很自私 不過也許真有一位慈愛的上帝 Maybe this was made for me For lying on my back in the middle of a field Maybe that's a selfish thought Or maybe there's a loving God
也許我受造就是這樣 就是要思考、推斷、質疑、思考 而我向來不常禱告 可是也許真有一位慈愛的上帝 Maybe I was made this way To think and to reason and to question and to pray And I have never prayed a lot But maybe there's a loving God