A~在那工作辛苦嗎? Is it a tough job? B~唉...有哪個工作是輕鬆的,只是在那裡打工會時常被小偷光顧,甚至被搶劫. Well, is there any easy job? There are lots of shoplifting and robbery in the store. (註:店裏偷竊得專用名詞)
A~那麼震撼啊!那你當下是什麼反應? It was shocking, what were your responses then? B~當然是站好讓他搶啊,找死喔! Of course I stood still to avoid being shot to death. A~OH..那聊你ㄉ興趣吧!? Let's change the subject to your hobbies. B~極限運動!我喜歡騎越野腳踏車 滑板 直排輪和吉普車. Extreme sports, I like cross country biking, skateboarding, rollerblading and 4-wheel driving. A~你會開車?你有駕照嗎? Oh, I didn't know you can drive, do you have driver's license? (吉普車Jeep現在大多用四驅車4-wheel Drive Car 取代) B~COME ON 那都不重要!你都沒問到我重點?我每年都有參加ESPN辦的亞洲巡迴賽and都有得獎. Come on, that's not the point. I attended the Asian Tournament sponsored by ESPN, and won the award every time. A~哇..好屌喔!那你除了每年的比賽之外,你平常都做什麼休閒活動? Yeah, that's cool. What do you do for your lesiure time except attending the annual Tournament? B~做什麼喔~??看看舞台劇 聽聽聲樂 閱讀歷史文學..除此之外,我只做能幫我提升氣質ㄉ事. What am I doing? I watch opera, listen to the music, and read books on history and literature. In addition, I do every thing that will improve my taste. A~騙人!這跟你之前講的落差太大. Don't ***** on me, you carried too far compared to what you just said... B~呵呵..你還不笨嘛!Anyway別只談及於我,說你吧!你有工作嗎? Ha, ha, you are not stupid at all. Anyway, don't talk about me anymore. Do you have a job? A~yes,我是偵探在徵信社上班,薪水還不錯,工作內容也挺有趣的,大致上都是跟拍最多,再來就是監聽.... Yes, I am working at a private detective agency, good pay and fun. Most time I take secret pictures and eavesdrop on the targets designated by my clients. (eavesdrop 竊聽電話專用名詞) B~偷拍 監聽 聽起來不太正派耶. Taking secret pictures and eavesdropping, that's mean. A~不會啦!我們只是收錢做事不會過份到超出工作範圍. Not at all, we do what we are paid for, and restrict our activities within we are asked to do. B~那你的休閒活動呢? What are you doing after work? A~騎自行車環繞城市. I like to ride the bike around the city. B~自行車!留給我你的電話吧!下次我們一起出來騎. Riding bikes, could you leave your phone number to me, maybe we can ride together next time. A~有何不可呢! Why not?