~Cultural Revolution~ 道復興
To get much more Rain to get Cooler
Certainly, the more the Palm trees are cut off,
the warmer the Earth will become.
It is just because there will be no sufficient rains to fall down
to cool down these Sunshine areas, as well as the other areas.
Do you know Why some fields always rain, but some fields never ?
According to our Great Chinese's understanding,
it depends on the thickness of Oxygen around that area.
It is because that Oxygen will become a magnetic field
to attract and pull down Hydrogen from the outer space.
And in the meantime the mists and clouds floating in the atmosphere
will be captured by these two cake-layers to form the Sandwich Effect.
Sandwich Effect
〔Hydrogen〕<----{ from the outer space }
mists and clouds in the Atmosphere
〔Oxygen〕 <---- {a magnetic field }
{ Rain Drops Fall Down }
And that means the Rain Drops will always fall down
in that specific area with thicker Oxygen.
And that's the reason why the rain forests will always have plenty of
rain, while deserts almost never rain.