小點兒 |
2009/05/01 11:45 |
You already have a good socialist president, and
we will see how that works for you. He nationalized a car company today
and six banks are begging him to return government money to get out of government control. The
foundation of USA - freedom and self responsibility- is being
systematically destroyed, from bottom up, and from top to bottom.
Democracy? Tell me again when presidential term limit changed. The discussion already began.
I don't agree: 1.
Iraq War: The War was declared by US Congress, also supported by 74%
approval rate from American people. You think Bush can start it by
himself? 2. Oil Company: Which ones are supported by Bush? How? Which company profited from the war?
Prefer to this article: 伊拉克戰爭是誰發起的?
The evil equation is not perfect for everyone, in general not so bad. No change now, but thanks for comment.
重點是在 ? |
2009/05/01 03:53 |
地球 病了,源於人口 (人渣) 過多 ?
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-05-01 11:45 回覆: |
Love George Carlin |
2009/04/30 13:11 |
Being liberal does not mean you can't have different ideas about different issues..... But love love love George Carlin.. wish he was still alive.. he would be in competition with Colbert.
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-04-30 13:28 回覆: |
Typically Liberals believe this equation : "共和黨=布希=戰爭=石油公司=資本主義=污染環境=全球暖化=AIG紅利=惡魔". At least the global warming part does not work for Carlin, well he's got that right. Yeah, Love the Carlin too!
Thanks for sharing these videos. |
2009/04/29 15:08 |
I really enjoyed them. There has been too much of "saving the planet" that I am getting sick of it. I believe that the planet is able to heal itself by constantly adjusting itself. Carlin is probably right, one day we will all disappear.
The second clip is very nice too.
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-04-30 11:04 回覆: |
Glad you like them too.