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芝麻事: Anything Goes
2011/08/29 03:55:24瀏覽1545|回應4|推薦58




最近的心情隨筆談歌、寫歌的次數多了點。老實講,是因為時事及政治令人沮喪。談天氣,有點不好意思。中西部脫離苦熱、苦旱、亦沒地震、也沒颶風、颱風地,好得不得了!!! 舒服透了!!!



NS 既不合(一),也不適於(二)。喜愛的歌曲,從PC的簡單喇叭、便宜揚聲器中傳來,都能聽得如醉如癡;所以說,是二、三流的音樂愛好者。沒水準之至。

簡單地說,只因為,音樂就是音樂;於我音樂,就在旋律,就在樂音之中。樂音就是好聽的聲音;可以是人聲或其他發聲動物 (狗聲是NS的樂音  ),以及各種各式的樂器所發出的好聽的聲音。


NS國中音樂老師說過,把你腦裡的音樂旋律寫下來,每個人都可以是作曲家。NS要說:張老師,您錯了。NS從來無法把腦中的音樂寫下來;不只是五線譜的不識之無的程度 (再次對不起張老師,一離開教室,就把您的苦心,全還給您了),並且是,無曲、無調的差勁。



古典樂之外的流行樂曲,能夠傳唱歷久不衰的作曲家不少。其中 Cole Porter (註) 是NS相當喜愛的音樂家。他所創作、譜曲、作詞的不少百老匯音樂曲目,到現在,百老匯也還一再地,重新推出 Cole 的音樂劇。他的歌曲不但是成功的百老匯音樂劇,有不少也可成單曲音樂的欣賞。

這篇心情筆記裡 post 的是 Cole Porter 的曲目之一,是一再重新製作演出的音樂劇 Anything Goes 的同名單曲Anything Goes。女主角 Sutton Foster 因此劇的演出,得到今年2011年度的東尼獎榮耀。

下面兩段youtube,一段是她在四月時,在ABC電視臺 Good Morning America 的造勢演出。第二段,是她在百老匯劇 Anything Goes 的演唱。東尼獎得主的演出,當然是唱作俱佳的好看、好聽。為甚麼同一人演唱,同一首歌的兩段youtube都放? 因為,電視臺的演出場地限制,所以,舞蹈部份做了調整。天生兩隻左腿的NS,最是羨慕善舞者,所以兩段踢躂舞分不出高下的都愛,就都貼出來了。


來~ 聽音樂,看東尼獎得主跳舞吧~


美麗的 Sutton Foster 在百老匯的舞台,表演:



上一次,此劇的演出,讓 Patti LuPone 得到大獎。 1988 東尼獎 得主 Patti 的載歌載舞:



更早的一個場次,Elaine Paige 在電臺的演出 (眼尖的樂迷說 Elaine在最後幾秒時,忘詞了;做為三流樂迷的 喔!! no、no ... 是 三流的音樂愛好者的好處是,反正看不出所以然的,無所謂忘不忘詞的全盤接受):



1979年 Ethel Merman 的演出 (徐娘半老的演唱 Bonnie的角色,只唱不舞了):



連大導演 Steven Speilberg 導演他的賺錢機器--電影Indiana Jones--時,也要把這段名曲歌舞,加進為電影材料。電影拍完了,就愛上片中能歌善舞的女主角 Kate Capshaw;把元配 Amy Irving 休了,新人娶進進門。

下面就是Kate Capshaw在電影中的 Anything Goes:


(這裡還有個歌聲,比較清晰的電影廣告版本: http://youtu.be/aHCZDCbMyA0  說真的,上面那位名導的老婆夫人演唱的是哪國語言演唱的,NS真的一點都聽不出來;英語不像英語,廣東話也模模糊糊地不似廣東話。)


聽了這麼多有特色的不同版本的 Anything Goes, 下面是 本尊Cole Porter 唱的 Anything Goes (附歌詞):



以下是 音樂劇 Anything Goes 劇情大綱 (懶鬼NS不翻了)
出自 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anything_Goes :


Anything Goes is a farce set below decks on an ocean liner bound for London from New York. The original idea came from producer Vinton Freedley, who was living on a boat, having left the US to avoid his creditors. He selected the writing team, and the star, Ethel Merman. The first draft of the show was called Crazy Week, which became Hard to Get, and finally Anything Goes. Hard to Get was set on a mid-ocean liner that was in danger, but, just a few weeks before the show was due to open, a fire on board the passenger ship SS Morro Castle caused the deaths of 137 passengers and crew. According to one version, Freedley judged that to proceed with a show on a similar subject would be in dubious taste and he insisted on changes to the script. But theatre historian Lee Davis maintains that Freedley wanted the script changing because it was "a hopeless mess. Bolton and Wodehouse were no longer available, so Freedley turned to his director, Howard Lindsay, who recruited Russel Crouse as his collaborator, beginning a lifelong writing partnership.

The roles of Billy Crocker and Moonface Martin were written for the well-known comedy team, William Gaxton and Victor Moore, and Gaxton's talent for assuming various disguises was featured in the libretto.

According to theatre legend, the show's new title, along with the title number, was born from the haste with which the show was revamped: at a late-night production meeting, an exasperated and over-worked member of the production team cried out "And just how in the hell are we going to end the first act?" "At this point," responded one of the producers, being more helpful than he realized, "anything goes!

Porter wrote the majority of Anything Goes in the Rosecliff mansion in Newport, RI while staying as a houseguest there.


Three versions of the libretto of Anything Goes exist: the original 1934 libretto, the 1962 revival libretto, and the 1987 revival libretto. The story has been revised, though all involve similar romantic complications aboard the S.S. American and feature the same major characters. The score has been altered, with some songs cut and others reassigned to different scenes and characters, and augmented with various Porter songs from other shows.

Original 1934 libretto

Act I

Billy Crocker, a young Wall Street broker, has fallen in love with a beautiful girl he met in a taxi. His boss, Elisha J. Whitney, is preparing to make a business deal and is going to travel to London aboard the S.S. "American". Evangelist turned nightclub singer Reno Sweeney will be traveling aboard the same ship. Even though Reno and Billy are just friends, she tells him "I Get A Kick Out Of You." Billy goes to the dock to bid "Bon Voyage" to his boss and Reno and glimpses the mysterious girl. She is heiress Hope Harcourt and, escorted by her mother, Mrs. Harcourt, is on her way to England with her fiancé Sir Evelyn Oakleigh, an attractive but stuffy and hapless British nobleman. Billy stows away on the ship in hopes of winning Hope's heart. "Moonface" Martin, a second-rate [gangster] labeled "Public Enemy 13", and his friend Bonnie (Erma in 1987) have disguised themselves as a minister and a missionary and innocently aided by Billy, board the ship under their assumed identities, stranding the ship's real chaplain back at the port. Moonface and Bonnie mistakenly leave behind their leader, "Snake Eyes" Johnson, Public Enemy 1.

To thank Billy, Bonnie and Moonface let him have Snake Eyes Johnson's passport and ticket without telling him to whom they belong. Billy convinces Sir Evelyn that he is quite seasick and when he goes below deck, Billy and Hope meet again and realize each has been thinking of the other "All Through The Night". Though Hope prefers Billy, she insists she must marry Evelyn, not revealing to Billy her family's company is in financial trouble and a marriage to Evelyn would promote a merger and save the company. The ship's crew gets a cable from New York saying that Public Enemy 1 is on board. Moonface admits his true identity to Billy and he and Bonnie conspire to disguise Billy as a crew member since he is now presumed to be Snake Eyes Johnson.

A quartet of sailors proclaim that "There'll Always Be a Lady Fair" waiting on shore for each of them. On deck, Bonnie proclaims, "Where Are the Men?," attracting a group of sailors. She returns to Billy and Moonface with a sailor suit.

Hope discusses her impending marriage with Evelyn and discovers that he is not particularly pleased with the engagement either. Billy asks Reno to help separate Evelyn and Hope, and she agrees. Billy and Reno declare to each other, "You're the Top". Reno flirts with Evelyn, who invites her for a drink in his cabin. She and Moon plot that Moon should burst into the cabin and discover Reno half-naked in Evelyn's arms, providing sufficient reason for breaking off the engagement. However, when Moon breaks into the room, machine gun in tow, he instead sees Reno fully-dressed and Evelyn nearly undressed. Moon tries to invent some indecent explanation for the situation, but Evelyn insists that he would be quite pleased by any rumor depicting him as a passionate lover, especially if Hope heard it. Moon admits that the plot has failed.

The crew has caught on to Billy's sailor disguise, and Moon and Reno create a new disguise for him from a stolen pair of trousers, a drunk's jacket, and hair cut from Mrs. Harcourt's Pomeranian and made into a beard. Reno tells Billy that Evelyn has kissed her, and she is sure she will be Lady Oakleigh soon since nowadays "Anything Goes". Mrs. Harcourt, recognizing her dog's hair, angrily pulls off Billy's beard and the crew and passengers realize he must be the wanted man. As Snake Eyes Johnson, Billy is an instant celebrity.

Act II

Billy is honored by both crew and passengers as "Public Enemy Number One." He tells the Captain that Moon (who is still disguised as a minister) is helping him reform from his wicked ways. Moon is asked to lead a revival in the ship's lounge. The passengers confess their sins to the "Reverend", and Sir Evelyn admits to a one-night stand with a young Chinese woman, Plum Blossom. Hope is not impressed with Billy's charade, and to please her, he confesses to everyone that he is not really Snake Eyes Johnson. Moon attempts to compensate by revealing that he is not a minister; he is Public Enemy Number Thirteen. The captain sends them both to the brig. Reno then puts her evangelistic training to good use and, continuing the revival, leads the anthem "Blow, Gabriel, Blow".

Moon tries to cheer Billy up by urging him to "Be Like the Bluebird". Billy doubts he will ever see Hope again; he and Moon cannot leave their cell until they return to America. Their card-playing Chinese cellmates, who have been imprisoned for winning all the cash in third class, will be put ashore in England. Moon and Billy win their clothes in a game of strip poker.
Billy, Moon, and Reno show up at the Oakleigh estate in Chinese garb. Billy and Moon tell Oakleigh's uncle that they are the parents of "Plum Blossom" and threaten to publicize Evelyn's indescretion if he does not marry her. Uncle Oakleigh offers to buy them off and Moon gleefully accepts the cash, much to Billy and Reno's chagrin.
Billy and Reno find Hope and Evelyn, who are unhappy with the prospect of their matrimony. Hope declares that she wildly wants to marry Billy ("The Gypsy in Me"). Billy spots Whitney and finally learns that Evelyn and Hope's planned marriage is really an awkward business merger. Billy savvily knows that Uncle Oakleigh is manipulating them all; Hope's company is really worth millions and Billy informs Whitney of that fact. Whitney offers to buy the firm from Hope at an exorbitant price, and she accepts. The marriage is called off since a merger is now impossible. Billy and Hope get married, as do Reno and Evelyn. A cable from the U.S. government fixes Billy's passport problems and declares Moon "harmless". Moon indignantly pockets Oakleigh's check and refuses to return it.


(註) 關於 Cole Porter ,NS早期曾經於 DE-LOVELY介紹過,有機會還想,再次介紹他的歌。Cole Porter 本人或許有些放蕩,不符道德家清規與高調 (這可能是,他與他的父親不合的原因),他的歌曲,很有些人文修養;是基於他自身的學識與生活,很愛用典,所以很難直接翻譯。因此很難下筆,ok、ok,根本原因是NS能力不足啦~






( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
兩隻左腿, 好妙!
2011/11/06 19:26
共鳴有形, 親聆有聲!
流水行雲, 被用來比擬音律, 反正領會欣賞得, 就是藝術情境的美感重現。
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2011-11-07 02:22 回覆:

所謂「天生兩隻左腿」就是真左腿和假左腿 永遠在搶拍子同一時間要出腿 所以、、、永遠跟不上節奏地 蹦跳、、、好在我高中體育課土風舞時的舞伴 也是個書呆子型 不被其他同學選中當伴的另位「天生兩隻左腿」型人物 、、、我們都只有自嘲才能享受如此舞伴. 當然我們倆的舞技也永遠無法進步的 永遠豔羨同學們的翩翩、、、

不需理論 不需高級器材 、、、
喜歡聽的 就是天上人間的美妙樂音!!!

broadway revivals 近年都好不錯
2011/09/20 13:43

Just to say hello

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2011-09-21 10:04 回覆:


Dr. Y 只需去 youtube 打進 cole porter 可以找出不少他的的歌

cole porter一生作曲 多半是為百老匯的歌舞劇 所寫
所以不很算是 pop music
再加上時間久遠 所以影響力不如現今的 lady gaga之流
但是他的歌 實在是好聽、耐聽、、、

這裡 送你一首 他的歌裡我的最愛:


很多人唱過這首 So In Love,有各種不同的唱法、唱腔,
K.D. Lang是很不錯的的歌手
老實說 她唱的這首 So In Love 並不是唱得最好聽的一位 (so so而已)。

2011/08/30 05:20
不要說草皮給烤乾了 人出外也要被烤焦了

但問起創作者演唱者一概不知 真沒有用心
這也讓我覺得好像去個景點旅遊 沒把歷史背景摸清楚
祇是浮淺的欣賞表面之美 體會感覺可能就會差很多 值得我學習
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2011-08-30 08:50 回覆:

Okay大哥的學習 ... 方向跟我略有差異罷了.
你寫文章 做功課的精神 NS遠不如你~ 誰學誰阿?

會哼幾個調 是 老爸老媽的基因
從小住在窮鄉僻壤 沒機會見過樂器 也無從學起
數學方程式不用人教 自己想一想就懂得 因此 習於自己摸索的學習方式.

Life Long Study不只是體認而已
Okay大 您一定也有心得的吧!!

只是喜歡聽 喜歡看
(這麼熱的天 一出門就會烤焦 那就在家看電視 看電影CD 看youtube上網吧)

明天之後 本周的數日 又要進90高溫
我們已經很感激 老天爺對 中西部的「友善」