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芝麻事: 難忘的這一天
2023/09/11 05:59:51瀏覽308|回應2|推薦19


22 Years After... Yes, I Remember Every Minute of What Had Happened That Day...


Remembering 9/11 | 60 Minutes Full Episodes



And, this is how the sad story ended.

Killing Osama bin Laden: President Obamas story | 60 Minutes Full Episodes






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2024/01/15 10:52
It's concerning, though, looking at the polls. I worry that tRump has a real chance to get reelected, which is my worst nightmare realized. 
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2024-04-06 11:00 回覆:

My apology for late reply (this laptop I am current using has problem of uploading/downloading the Chinese font; I would have to re-connect to my old laptop if I really needed to tag to the Chinese... this is why I have not been opened this blog for a very long time... 無奈 )

Yes, I am concerned.
Yes, I am upset and angered very much, but, I am mostly mad of the injustices and the lawyers who have been playing the verbage of written laws; they twisted the meaning without morallity.

Too many spinless Republican law makers who dare not to hold their conconsciences, nor the bible they believe, to do the right thing. The #1 cowardice is Mitch MicConnell. (I wish his time to meet St. Peter at the gate comes ASAP, and bring that tRump with him.)

My advice to you, my friend, is Just Let Go of your emotion. It won't help for your health, nor the election.

Just go vote, that's all we can do. 

Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2023/09/13 11:15

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2023-09-15 04:15 回覆:

I am not sure of the "40%" population who are crazy fans of tRump. It is correct more than 50% of stupit Republicans support that sneaky Lier; but, do remember size of Dems greater than size of hypocrite Republicans. 

It is the out of date "Winner Takes All" unique American system creates the problem of a President was not elected by the popluate votes. I think it is time to let the wired system to retired.

Well, are you moving to Chicagoland? Is my townhouse quilifed for room to rent? It might. The basement may have more privacy then the spared room but it is full of junk down there. Ha!

Chicago suburb is not bad to stay, close to Chicago without the high crime like the city. Midwest envirement is not as bad as the two coasts. No earthquake, no hurriicane, no fear of lacking water (we have the Lakes), yes, we have cold winter but who would go out to drive on a Winter Storm? Very soon, it is time of beautiful Fall season to enjoy~

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2023-09-15 04:16 回覆:
stupid Republicans
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2023-09-15 09:25 回覆:

Another careless proof-reading: 
by the popluation votes. I think it is time to let the wired system retired.