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芝麻事: WOW~
2024/08/20 01:46:44瀏覽294|回應3|推薦17


First Day of the Democratic Convention, Aug. 19.

Paying it not much of attention, since who will be the runner and her mate for the 2024 presidential campaign has been decided weeks ago.

Nevertheless, I have to acclaim with a WOW for the report from CNN of "former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) will speak" on Thuresday, at the peak night of the convention.
(Ex-GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger to Speak at DNC on Thursday (msn.com))


Way To Go, Adam.
A Republican speaks at the convention to endorse a Democratic Presidential Nominee.
You probably is the first Courageous Republicans.

Colin Powell
John Kasich
Stephanie Grisham
Olivia Troye
John Giles
Geoff Duncan


I wish more of Republicans who believe the Constitution and the Nation First stand out.





( 在地生活北美 )
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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2024/11/16 10:03
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2024-11-18 10:13 回覆:

I am too angry to care...

民主黨全軍覆沒,不僅是因戰略錯誤、賀錦麗弱勢、選錯副手、、、主要還是受到拜登的拖累。拜登政績不受親睞。移民政策失策,大批非法入境,無證移民無孔不入製造無端與不安(像我這種無聊人,都覺得國無國界敞開大門的不好,況且是那些不喜歡膚色稍黑者的恐懼!!) 連我都不同意他給欠學貸者大筆一揮,不是減免而是歸零耶!! 連我這一無恆產二無錢可賺三無稅可交的三無老女人都覺得太過分了,甭提那些三有之人。憑甚麼納稅人要替你們的學貸付錢? 

但,再怎麼弱勢的賀錦麗也比convicted rapist川普好。奈何男性荷爾蒙激昏了原本就不夠聰明的一堆堆的美國腦瓜子,誤信六次破產的snake oil salesman處理經濟能力與其胡言亂語、、、

Any way,此後我不要看政論,也不再看新聞了。



nothing special(littlezone) 於 2024-11-19 00:09 回覆:

Here is another thought:
Philosopher Michael Sandel on What Trump’s Win Says About American Society | Amanpour and Company


I think the Progressive Democretics (for exemple, Burnie Sanders and those goes-too-far-left Califonian) would need to rectify their diections.

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2024-11-22 12:27 回覆:

George Conway: Trump’s NIGHTMARE Cabinet of Clowns and Criminals


Remember the person who (is Geroge's exwife) created the redicular term of "alternative truth?" Totally redicule, but not Geroge.

Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2024/09/03 09:49

How was your summer, lassie?  I ran across almost a metaphore about your town.  


"... Chicago divided your heart. Leaving you loving the joint for keeps. Yet knowing it never can love you." ~ Nelson Algren

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2024-09-04 10:02 回覆:
Chicago is a great city but neither do I reside there, nor does it own my heart, for I prefer small town, quiet village, less traffic, more tree... I like its museums, also, walking along the Chicago River & enjoying those awesome buildings is a thing but that is about all I like Chicago.

Thanks to heaven I don't live in the city, not even close to the vicinity of Chicago. I have not gone to Chicago city since the covid era, except that time of the Chicago River Dye on St. Patrick Day, not even the oriental grocery shopping any more.

Summer was good in Great Chicago area on year of 2024. I have not turned the air condition on yet during the last two 90+ degree heat wave. I survived in my not so spaced room with a fan so far. We don't have hurricane, no earthquake, no flood, low crime rate (that is the thing of city of Chicago,) sometimes, chance of tornado passes thru... overall, not a bad Summer.

Next time, stop by. I can take you to the state park nearby, hiking under the green tunnel, surrounded by the greenest forest...

No, never read article/book from Nelson Algren. Giving me 10 years younger, I would run to library to find book of Chicago: City on the Make, but I am older and feel no shame to admit I can't read all the interesting books. Yes, Sir, felt no shame for the ignorance at all.

2024/08/21 12:02





nothing special(littlezone) 於 2024-08-22 09:07 回覆:

多謝安家大老貢獻寶貴意見,然則NS對您四行大文總覺得邏輯上有點不順, 不得不回聲一下(不是說過的嗎: 吾豈好辯哉不得已也!)

1)"兩個黨一樣爛"百分百的否定句,NS萬不能同意。我只能說,有時候、有些觀點、有些人、、、可能是這個黨爛,有時候是那個黨爛 (爛的定義為何,又要爭論一下,是安老的爛為爛? 還是安老的爛為不爛?) 定義或說理上有些許的Ambuiguity是邏輯大忌。

2)"納坦雅胡並不代表以色列" Netanyahu是以色列總理,是選票選出來的,他當然是以色列的代表,你可以說他不代表全體以色列人民的意見,可是你不能否定他是以色列總統的地位。正如同賴清德百分之四十幾的少數總統代表了台灣的中華民國,不同意他也不能否定他的地位(status)。


4)"他代表的是贊同屠殺的美國人"這調調聽起來有點小粉紅色彩,NS純藍(非深藍,是潔淨的藍色之意)不能接受,你能指出誰? 哪個美國人贊同屠殺呀? 這話一點道理也沒有。

5)如果"美國人決定一切"Anthony Blinken就不需老往中東跑,這回又是徒勞無功而返,烏克蘭出兵攻入俄境,也大出老美意料之外。

6)我贊成以色列、烏克蘭該舉行大選。但是你說"立刻"能成嗎? 可不要又說萬惡的老美從中作梗阿。