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2008/10/07 06:47:26瀏覽3249|回應4|推薦27











楊偉中.李文忠 〈大人,您在講誰的經濟?〉


The government’s aloof policies

By Yang Wei-Chung And Lee Wen-Chung 楊偉中,李文忠

Monday, Oct 13, 2008, Page 8
Faced with a grim economic crisis, US Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain and his Democratic rival, Senator Barack Obama, are engaging in intense debate. McCain, with close ties to big business, has increasingly made remarks that run counter to public sentiment, proposing continued deregulation of the financial system and reliance on free markets.

At a time of chaos on global financial markets, shrinking domestic demand and aggravated poverty and social conflict, McCain’s statements deviate from the social and economic realities facing the average citizen. No wonder Obama jumped on McCain’s economic proposals, asking him: “Senator, what economy are you talking about?”

One point of contention in the US financial bailout is the question of which social group profits and which group loses.

In the same way, it is important to consider who will be the beneficiaries of Taiwan’s attempts to contain economic and financial damage. The Cabinet and the Presidential Office’s economic advisory task force have proposed a series of measures to revive the economy, such as halving the securities transaction tax, reducing the inheritance tax and providing a blanket guarantee for private deposits.

The global economic crisis and soaring energy and food prices have led to a deterioration in living standards.

Between January and August this year, the average unemployment rate, the number of weeks of unemployment and the number of people laid off because of closures have hit three-year highs. In the same period, the unemployment rate for college graduates jumped to 4.16 percent, the highest level since 1978. In August, each job seeker had an average of 0.79 job opportunities, the lowest level since July 2001. In addition, local wage earners saw their income decline by 2.72 percent in real terms in the first seven months of the year, the worst decline in 28 years.

We do not mean to attribute the declining economy and public suffering to the government on this basis alone. However, a government that boasts of the ability to feel the pain of the people must take a serious look at its policy priorities: Whose pain are they feeling, and whose distress are they relieving?

It is true that the government’s policies are aimed at protecting the disadvantaged and promoting employment growth, but judging from policy strength, focus and effectiveness, these measures are still at the discussion stages or implemented perfunctorily.

Even the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) own think tank admits that the results of measures for caring for the disadvantaged and for stimulating consumption have been limited.

More importantly, in its eagerness to save the stock market, the government has intervened in a free market by activating the National Stabilization Fund and prohibiting short selling for two weeks. When it comes to price hikes in electricity for household use, however, the government stresses “a return to the market mechanism.”

This double standard is transparent to a public whose distress the government is trying to relieve.

Meanwhile, it is questionable that halving the securities transaction tax and reducing the inheritance tax — measures worth tens of billions of dollars that mostly benefit wealthy people — will achieve the goals of accelerating capital flow. Without supplementary measures, these actions will increase social injustice and eat up money needed for educational and social policies.

So, we also must ask the government and their economic experts: “What economy are you talking about?”

The government has time and again emphasized the mid and long-term economic measures cannot yield instant results.

Even so, we ask if the government is ready to establish a transparent political and financial system and if it is willing to allocate resources to education, the job market and social security. Only then can the government establish a truly healthy and complete economic environment.

While the KMT has long subscribed to neo-liberal ideas and stressed the omnipotence of the market, the fact is that only the strong make a profit and the weak lose out.

When structural problems in the capitalist system are revealed, it is time for the government to adjust its policy direction and stress the balance between nation, market and civic society.


( 時事評論財經 )
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2008/10/10 23:26

我玩不起股票!因為每月家庭 的生活費尚不夠用!

2008/10/10 14:56

全球經過近百年的經濟實驗證明   自由的資本主義戰勝政府操控的共產主義

資本主義表示人民須再激烈的競爭下   各憑本事   適者生存

看到許多人動不動怪罪政府或者某些政策   只照顧資本家   不照顧中下階層

百年來中下階層一直努力拼鬥   希望能夠脫離貧困階層

包括父執輩   祖父   曾祖父....   他們可能終生奮鬥   指望下一代比他們更強

但現在人再享受上一代努力的成果後   碰到困境   求職難   薪資低   物價高

然後忘了將上一代的精神拿出來    為下一代奮鬥

只會罵政府   罵名嘴   罵官員   何不先將自己的一切檢視看看?

環境不好   最多吃不起牛排   手機用5~8年的舊貨就好  

吃不起市場賣得菜   可以想辦法自己種   只會唉聲嘆氣   讓人真是看不起

活該!誰叫你活在這個時代   沒看名嘴們為了生存   每天施出渾身解數

大家都在拼自己的經濟   鬼叫鬼叫誰可憐你   誰鳥你?

你沒有一個叫做阿扁的爸爸   認命吧!!!

2008/10/09 05:52






2008/10/07 08:55