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2010/02/12 04:51:23瀏覽612|回應0|推薦1
追憶似水年華 IV索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版 1992)

She was offering me, in fact—and she alone could offer me—the sole remedy for the poison that was burning me, a remedy akin, as it happened, to the poison, for, though one was sweet, the other bitter, both were alike derived from Albertine. At that moment, Albertine—my malady—ceasing to cause me to suffer, left me—she, Albertine the remedy—as weak as a convalescent.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

Elle m’offrait justement – et elle seule pouvait me l’offrir – l’unique remède contre le poison qui me brûlait, homogène à lui d’ailleurs ; l’un doux, l’autre cruel, tous deux étaient également dérivés d’Albertine. En ce moment Albertine – mon mal – se relâchant de me causer des souffrances, me laissait – elle, Albertine remède – attendri comme un convalescent.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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