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【書摘】在少女們身旁—貝戈特 (About Bergotte) 10
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【書摘】在少女們身旁貝戈特 (About Bergotte) 10
Mes parents cependant auraient souhaité que l’intelligence que Bergotte m’avait reconnue se manifestât par quelque travail remarquable. Quand je ne connaissais pas les Swann je croyais que j’étais empêché de travailler par l’état d’agitation où me mettait l’impossibilité de voir librement Gilberte. Mais quand leur demeure me fut ouverte, à peine je m’étais assis à mon bureau de travail que je me levais et courais chez eux. Et une fois que je les avais quittés et que j’étais rentré à la maison, mon isolement n’était qu’apparent, ma pensée ne pouvait plus remonter le courant du flux de paroles par lequel je m’étais laissé machinalement entraîner pendant des heures. Seul, je continuais à fabriquer les propos qui eussent été capables de plaire aux Swann, et pour donner plus d’intérêt au jeu, je tenais la place de ces partenaires absents, je me posais à moi-même des questions fictives choisies de telle façon que mes traits brillants ne leur servissent que d’heureuse répartie. Silencieux, cet exercice était pourtant une conversation et non une méditation, ma solitude une vie de salon mentale où c’était non ma propre personne mais des interlocuteurs imaginaires qui gouvernaient mes paroles et où j’éprouvais à former, au lieu des pensées que je croyais vraies, celles qui me venaient sans peine, sans régression du dehors vers le dedans, ce genre de plaisir tout passif que trouve à rester tranquille quelqu’un qui est alourdi par une mauvaise digestion.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.146 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

My parents meanwhile would have liked to see the intelligence that Bergotte had discerned in me made manifest in some remarkable achievement. When I still did not know the Swanns I thought that I was prevented from working by the state of agitation into which I was thrown by the impossibility of seeing Gilberte when I chose. But, now that their door stood open to me, scarcely had I sat down at my desk than I would rise and run to them. And after I had left them and was at home again, my isolation was only apparent, my mind was powerless to swim against the stream of words on which I had allowed myself mechanically to be borne for hours on end. Sitting alone, I continued to fashion remarks such as might have pleased or amused the Swanns, and to make this pastime more entertaining I myself took the parts of those absent players, I put to myself imagined questions, so chosen that my brilliant epigrams served merely as happy answers to them. Though conducted in silence, this exercise was none the less a conversation and not a meditation, my solitude a mental society in which it was not I myself but other imaginary speakers who controlled my choice of words, and in which I felt as I formulated, in place of the thoughts that I believed to be true, those that came easily to my mind, and involved no introspection from without, that kind of pleasure, entirely passive, which sitting still affords to anyone who is burdened with a sluggish digestion.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Meanwhile, my parents would have preferred it if the intelligence that had so impressed Bergotte could have been made manifest in some achievement. As Long as I had been excluded from the Swanns’ acquaintance, I was convinced that my inability to get down to work was caused by the state of emotional disturbance to which I was reduced by the impossibility of seeing Gilberte as and when I wished to. But then, once I had free access to their house, I could hardly sit down at my desk before I had to jump up again and be off there to visit them. And when I had left the Swanns’ and gone back home, it was only in appearance that I sat alone; my own thoughts could not withstand the torrent of words on which for hours past I had let myself be carried along: I went on turning out words and sentences that might have impressed the Swanns; to make the game more enjoyable, I even played the parts of the absent others, asking myself fictitious questions so designed that, in answering them, I could show off the brilliance of my banter. Silent as it was, this exercise was a real conversation and not a form of reflection; my solitude was a mental drawing-room scene, in which imaginary interlocutors and not myself were in charge of my speech, in which, by producing not ideas that I believed to be true, but ideas that came to me without trouble, without any action of the outer world on the inner, I enjoyed the same sort of pleasure as is enjoyed, in utter passivity, by the person who has nothing better to do after dinner hut sit quietly, lulled into a dull somnolence by poor digestion.

(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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