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【書摘】在少女們身旁—與少女們的情誼 (Friendship with Girls) 20
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【書摘】在少女們身旁與少女們的情誼 (Friendship with Girls) 20
Pour n’importe laquelle de mes amies de la petite bande, comment le dernier visage que je lui avais vu n’eût-il pas été le seul que je me rappelasse, puisque, de nos souvenirs relatifs à une personne, l’intelligence élimine tout ce qui ne concourt pas à l’utilité immédiate de nos relations quotidiennes (même et surtout si ces relations sont imprégnées d’amour, lequel, toujours insatisfait, vit dans le moment qui va venir). Elle laisse filer la chaîne des jours passés, n’en garde fortement que le dernier bout souvent d’un tout autre métal que les chaînons disparus dans la nuit, et dans le voyage que nous faisons à travers la vie, ne tient pour réel que le pays où nous sommes présentement. Toutes mes premières impressions, déjà si lointaines, ne pouvaient pas trouver contre leur déformation journalière un recours dans ma mémoire ; pendant les longues heures que je passais à causer, à goûter, à jouer avec ces jeunes filles, je ne me souvenais même pas qu’elles étaient les mêmes vierges impitoyables et sensuelles que j’avais vues, comme dans une fresque, défiler devant la mer.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

既然在我們有關一個人的回憶中,凡是對我們每日發生的關係沒有立竿見影的用處的事,頭腦一律將其排除 (甚至而且特別是如果這些關係還染上一點愛情的話,這愛情從未得到滿足,在最近的將來還活著),對於這一小群少女中我的任何一個女友來說,我所見到的最後一張面孔,怎麼能不是我回憶的唯一面龐呢?頭腦任憑往日的鏈條飛逝,只死死留住這鏈條的最後一截。製成這一截的金屬常常與消逝在黑夜中和我們人生旅途中的各個鏈條完全不同。我們的頭腦只把我們現在所在的國度當作真實的國度。我最初的印象已經那樣遙遠,在我的記憶中無法找到什麼憑證防止其每天變形。在我與這位少女一起聊天,吃茶點,一起遊玩所度過的漫長時光裡,我竟然不記得,她們與我從前如同在壁畫上見過一般、在大海前列隊走過的無情而又肉感的處女是同一批人。
(p.572 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

既然我們的頭腦會在有關某人的記憶中,把不能直接用於我們和此人的日常交往的那部分記憶抹去 (當這種交往帶有些許愛情的色彩,而這愛情又是從未得到滿足,永遠停留在對下一刻的憧憬之中的時候,情形也是如此,甚至會更明顯),那麼對於我這幫女友中的任何一位來說,我最後一次見到的她的臉龐,怎麼能不是我唯一留在記憶中的臉龐呢?我們的頭腦聽任時日之鍊逝去,只是牢牢地抓住最後那一節,製作這一節的金屬,往往已經跟隱沒在黑夜裡,消失在我們的人生之旅中的那些鍊節不一樣了,對這最後的一個鍊節而言,只有我們眼下所在的地方才是真實的。我最初的那些印象,已經變得那麼遙遠,在我的回憶中再也沒有什麼內容足以維繫它們,阻止它們日復一日地蛻變走樣了。我和這些少女一起聊天、吃茶點、玩遊戲,在這漫長的時間裡,我都記不起她們就是當初在海灘上魚貫而行的那幾個冷漠而撩人,有如壁畫上見到的女孩了。
(p.343~344 追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

No matter which it might be of my friends of the little band, was not inevitably the face that I had last seen the only face that I could recall, since, of our memories with respect to a person, the mind eliminates everything that does not agree with our immediate purpose of our daily relations (especially if those relations are quickened with an element of love which, ever unsatisfied, lives always in the moment that is about to come)? That purpose allows the chain of spent days to slip away, holding on only to the very end of it, often of a quite different metal from the links that have vanished in the night, and in the journey which we make through life, counts as real only in the place in which we at any given moment are. But all those earliest impressions, already so remote, could not find, against the blunting process that assailed them day after day, any remedy in my memory; during the long hours which I spent in talking, eating, playing with these girls, I did not remember even that they were the same ruthless, sensual virgins whom I had seen, as in a fresco, file past between me and the sea.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

With any one member of my little gang of girls, was 1 not bound to recall only the most recently glimpsed of her possible faces, given that the mind eliminates from our memories of anyone whatever does not contribute in an immediately useful way to our daily dealings with the person, even if
especially if!these dealings are colored by a tincture of love, which, by being perpetually unsatisfied, lives forever in the coming moment? The chain of past days runs through the memory, which only holds fast to the nearest end of it, and the metal of which this end is forged is often very different from the metal of the earlier links, which have already slipped away into the dark; in our journey through life, the only country the mind sees as real is the one in which we live during the present instant. My very first impressions, which were now at such a remove, could find no ally in my memory against their day-by-day deforming; throughout the long hours I spent among the girls, chatting, going on picnics, playing, I never once remembered that they were the same ruthless, sensual virgins whom I had once seen, like figures in a fresco, filing past against the sea.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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