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感謝保羅‧奧斯特 (Paul Auster)創作的小說《布魯克林的納善先生》、《月宮》、《紐約三部曲》……、感謝他的《孤獨及其所創造的》(The Invention of Solitude) 、《失意錄》(Hand to Mouth)、《冬日筆記》(Winter Journal)……
奧斯特:相當多——很可能我都數不過來。彼得‧凱里、羅素‧班克斯、菲利浦‧羅斯、E.I. 多克托羅、查爾斯‧巴克斯特、J. M. 庫切、大衛‧格羅斯曼、奧爾罕‧帕慕克、薩爾曼‧拉什迪、邁克爾‧翁達杰、希莉‧哈斯特維特……這些名字是我此刻想到的,但如果你明天向我同樣的向題,我肯定我會給你一張不同的名單。與很多人願意相信的相反,小說在目前狀況良好,像一直以來的那樣健康而有活力。這是一種用之不竭的形式,不管悲觀主義者說了些什麼,它永遠都不會滅亡。
——《巴黎評論‧作家訪談 Ⅰ 》(人民文學出版社,2012.2)
The Invention of Solitude
Paul Auster
Publisher: FABER & FABER
Publication date: 2012
我明白,你絕對無法進入一個人的孤獨。倘使我們確實能夠認識另一個人,即使只是認識皮毛,那麼我們也只能認識這個人願意讓我們認識的部分。某個人會說:我很冷,或者他不發一語,而我們會看到他發抖。不論是哪一種情況,我們都知道他很冷。但是,如果你遇到的人既不說話,也不發抖呢?當一切皆以難以操縱,當一切皆隱密而無法捉摸,你只能觀察。然而。你是否能自觀察中看出意表,則完全是另一回事。 (p.26~27)
“Impossible, I realize, to enter another’s solitude. If it is true that we can ever come to know another human being, even to a small degree, it is only to the extent that he is willing to make himself known. A man will say: I am cold. Or else he will say nothing, and we will see him shivering. Either way, we will know that he is cold. But what of the man who says nothing and does not shiver? Where all is intractable, where all is hermetic and evasive, one can do no more than observe. But whether one can make sense of what he observes is another matter entirely.
「因此,你必須使用許多地方,」西賽羅寫道,「許多地方必須燈火通明,井然有序,彼此相隔適中;你也必須使用許多意象,這些意象必須活潑、輪廓分明、不尋常,具有迅速觸及並貫穿心靈的力量……。因為地方很像蠟板或草紙,意象很像字母,而意象的安排和配置就像手稿,說話就像閱讀。」 (p.122)
Memory as a place, as a building, as a sequence of columns, cornices, porticoes. The body inside the mind, as if we were moving around in there, going from one place to the next, and the sound of our footsteps as we walk, moving from one place to the next.
‘One must consequently employ a large number of places,’ writes Cicero, ‘which must be well lighted, dearly set out in order, spaced out at moderate intervals; and images which are active, sharply defined, unusual, and which have the power of speedily encountering and penetrating the psyche... For the places are very much like wax tablets or papyrus, the images like the letters, the arrangement and disposition of the images like the script, and the speaking like the reading.’
「記憶的力量是驚人的,」聖奧古斯丁說,「記憶是一間廣大的、無法衡量的聖殿。誰能測量其深度?然而,它是我靈魂的一種功能。雖然它是我本質的一部分,我卻無法了解我全部的本質。因此,這意味著心智太狹窄,無法完全容納它自己。但是,如果心智的一部分是它自己無法包含的,那麼這一部分是什麼?它是否在自己之外,而非自己之內?如果這一部分沒有被包含在心智之內,那麼它還是心智的一部分嗎?」 (p.134~135)
A 在他自己的房間坐下來,翻譯另一個人的書,覺得彷彿進入那個人的孤獨,並使其成為他自己的孤獨。但是這種情形當然不可能發生,因為一旦孤獨被打破,一旦另一個人進入這個孤獨,它就不再是孤獨了,而是一種伴侶關係。(p.222)
Memory as a room, as a body, as a skull, as a skull that encloses the room in which a body sits. As in the image: ‘a man sat alone in his room.’
‘The power of memory is prodigious,’ observed Saint Augustine. ‘It is a vast, immeasurable sanctuary. Who can plumb its depths? And yet it is a faculty of my soul. Although it is part of my nature, I cannot understand all that I am. This means, then, that the mind is too narrow to contain itself entirely. But where is that part of it which it does not itself contain? Is it somewhere outside itself and not within it? How, then, can it be part of it, if it is not contained in it?’
Every book is an image of solitude. It is a tangible object that one can pick up. put down, open, and dose, and its words represent many months, if not many years, of one man’s solitude, so that with each word one reads in a book one might say to himself that he is confronting a particle of that solitude. A man sits alone in a room and writes. Whether the book speaks of loneliness or companionship, it is necessarily a product of solitude.
書名:Winter Journal
作者:Auster, Paul
原文出版社:St Martins Pr
從出生到現在的二十一個永久住址,儘管永久很不像是個正確的詞,考慮到在你生命過程中多麼經常搬家。那麼,是二十個停駐地,一組地址引向那一個或許會或許不會被證明是永久的地址,然而儘管你在二十一處不同的房子及公寓裡住過,付過那兒的煤氣費和電費,在那兒登記選舉過,你的身體很少在任何一段時間裡坐著不動,而從你打開國家地圖並開始計數的時候,你發現已去過五十個州中的四十個,有時只是經過 (像 1976 年乘火車去西海岸途中經過內布拉斯加州),但更經常是去造訪幾天、幾周甚至幾個月…
(Your bare feet on the floor as you climb out of bed and walk to the window. You are sixty-four years old. Outside, the air is gray, almost white, with no sun visible. You ask yourself: How many mornings are left?)
(A door has closed. Another door has opened.)
(You have entered the winter of your life.)
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |