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【書摘】在少女們身旁—貝戈特 (About Bergotte) 9
2014/11/15 11:18:56瀏覽127|回應0|推薦7
【書摘】在少女們身旁貝戈特 (About Bergotte) 9
J’aurais peut-être dû pourtant me dire que puisque c’était sincèrement, en m’abandonnant à ma pensée, que d’une part j’avais tant sympathisé avec l’oeuvre de Bergotte et que, d’autre part, j’avais éprouvé au théâtre un désappointement dont je ne connaissais pas les raisons, ces deux mouvements instinctifs qui m’avaient entraîné ne devaient pas être si différents l’un de l’autre, mais obéir aux mêmes lois ; et que cet esprit de Bergotte, que j’avais aimé dans ses livres ne devait pas être quelque chose d’entièrement étranger et hostile à ma déception et à mon incapacité de l’exprimer. Car mon intelligence devait être une, et peut-être même n’en existe-t-il qu’une seule dont tout le monde est colocataire, une intelligence sur laquelle chacun, du fond de son corps particulier, porte ses regards, comme au théâtre, où si chacun a sa place, en revanche, il n’y a qu’une seule scène.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.136 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

也許我該提醒自己,既然在聽任思緒放鬆的情況下,我一方面對貝戈特的作品心馳神往,一方面又在劇場裡感覺到一種莫名的失望,二者都是發自內心的,那麼,這兩種本能的反應想必並不是互不相關,而是有共同規律的;我讀他的書而心嚮往之的這位長者,應該不會對我的失望,對我無法解釋這失望的惶惑感到非常陌生,感到不屑一顧。因為我想,我的領悟力 (intelligence) 應該是一種——抑或這東西本來也就只有一種,天下人之於它,由如同寓一所的房客之於寓所——一種這樣的領悟力,各人自不同的身軀注目於它,好比劇場中人各有座,舞臺卻只有一個。
追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

And yet I ought perhaps to have reminded myself that, since it was in all sincerity, abandoning myself to the train of my thoughts, that I had felt, on the one hand, so intensely in sympathy with the work of Bergotte and on the other hand, in the theatre, a disappointment the reason of which I did not know, those two instinctive movements which had both carried me away could not be so very different from one another, but must be obedient to the same laws; and that that mind of Bergotte which I had loved in his books could not be anything entirely foreign and hostile to my disappointment and to my inability to express it. For my intelligence must be a uniform thing, perhaps indeed there exists but a single intelligence, in which everyone in the world participates, towards which each of us from the position of his own separate body turns his eyes, as in a theatre where, if everyone has his own separate seat, there is on the other hand but a single stage.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Perhaps it should have occurred to me that, since both my great attraction to the works of Bergotte and the unaccountable disappointment I had experienced at the theater were sincere, spontaneous reactions of my own mind, these two instinctive and irresistible responses could not be very different from each other, but must be governed by the same laws; and that therefore the spirit of Bergotte, which I had admired so much in his books, was very likely not so utterly alien and hostile to my disappointment, or to my inability to articulate it. For, after all, my mind had to be a single thing; or perhaps there is only a single mind, in which everybody has a share, a mind to which all of us look, isolated though each of us is within a private body, just as at the theater, where, though every spectator sits in a separate place, there is only one stage.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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