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IN NOVEMBER OF THAT YEAR, as we walked along the empty highway, we heard only a shrill wind singing in the telegraph wires and the screeching of crows. The landscape was perfectly empty-flat fields as far as the hazy horizon line. After a tenmile hike, we came to a little town near a railroad, or at least to the signs of a settlement: a few tall trees. Those trees, which stood naked and black over clay pits filled with lifeless water, seemed so terrifying to me that I turned around once more to fix them in my memory. Nothing mirrored better the loneliness of that land and the defenselessness of man. They were not a piece of nature, they showed no sign of human care: they simply rose up from the bare ground, as if petrified, into a colorless sky. If they had ever grown, it must have been in spite of the goats biting off their bark, in spite of the boredom of that province where trees were out of place. They stood so apart, so cut off from everything, as if they had been meant to serve as a last image seen by all those who had been executed here.


The past and the furore were useless to me, even though I thought about them a great deal. The Sunday clothes and clusters of people heading over the meadows toward the little church with its steeple, the wooden benches polished by long use, the big prayer books-they were placed now in a new time, more tangible than the Napoleonic and other epics. But that village and all others like it were defenseless. And their misfortune dated back much further than bombs and airplanes. Because I tried to reach to the roots of that calamity, I, like a conjurer of spirits, continually communed with the seventeenth century-the century before the disaster. Baroque angels in church, and baroque, perhaps, the hoe in my hands. Warsaw I outlawed from my thoughts: a large piece of plain had simply slid into a chasm, burying people and buildings.


The empty highway, the black trees, the puddles in the badly paved streets of a little town-and suddenly a wave of despair such as I had forgotten while working at Kijos. It was not only because of the helmeted policemen and the danger of Nazi manhunts. In this country it was only the village that had some kind of form, defined by need and the tasks of the four seasons. The towns, on the other hand, were clearly a botch. (I cared less about the few larger cities; besides, nothing much was left of the principal one except smoking ruins.) One gets a feeling of having ones feet on the ground, of being supported, when the imagination can cling to a piece of territory filled with human settlements arranged in such a way that each of them appears livable. But here-tumbledown fences, chickens flying off in a panic at the approach of a peasant cart, apartment houses from which the Jews had been taken to be exterminated-it all gaped with nothingness and decay. It was hateful to me. Ruins multiplied by ruins made a desert, and I felt that I had no place to lay my head. My hot blood revolted against that inertia of bungling and neglect.

It goes without saying, however, that if our environment clashes too violently with our passion for being modern and constructive Fausts, an opposite reaction will occur: a desire to turn our backs. Revolution? Revolution is fine, but it would change nothing here because, if we go by its Eastern model, such trampled fields usually supplied the lifeblood for a few gigantic enterprises. The disorder of the place thus was simply an introduction, a foretaste of cracking walls and leaking roofs -minor details. As I walked down the street, alert and tense, the years and decades ahead presented a prospect of complete futility. Once again, everything I had been feeling up to that brief respite (in self-defense?) at Kijos began to accumulate and oppress me so that I was ready to declare-I admit it openlythat a curse hangs over this panicular piece of Europe and nothing can be done about it. Had I been given the chance, perhaps I would have blown the country to bits, so that mothers would no longer cry over their seventeen-year-old sons and daughters who died on the barricades, so that the grass would no longer grow over the ashes of Treblinka and Maidanek and Auschwitz, so that the notes of a harmonica played under a gnarled pine tree would no longer float over the nightmarish pits and dunes on the city outskins. Because there is a kind of pity that is unbearable. And so one blows it all up, at least in ones mind; that is, one is possessed by a single desire: not to look.

(Translated by Catherine S. Leach)


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