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2008/04/15 08:07

經過五六個月的漫漫長冬,好不容易氣溫終於回升到零上,加國人迫不及待的趕快把緊緊關閉了數月的門、窗戶等, 大大的打開, 讓新鮮空氣進入屋內,人們開始清掃屋內,希望趕快把冬天的陰霾掃出屋外,快快把春天迎進人間。家庭主婦個個忙於大掃除,政府也鼓勵市民漫漫長冬後,做個大清掃,市民可以市政府領取大掃除使用的用具, 如掃把、畚几等, 一切免費。 加國知名民間咖啡連鎖店Tim Horton也加入行列, 支持這個大掃除運動,提供市民買咖啡, 送大掃除用具的推廣活動。

好友漢娜說,她沒有幫手,一切她家的清掃工作, 都得自己一點一點的慢慢做。 所以這星期, 她不能和我們一起畫畫了。至於庭院的除草種花等工作,今年她打算請人幫忙做,因為她已六十五歲了,體力大不如前,膝蓋、腿力、恐怕都無法勝任粗重的庭院粗活。 今年她不打算自己除草種花了。

春天終於要來臨了,趕快提起精神大掃除吧。 再見了! 我得去打掃清潔, 迎接春天了!

For my sons:

It’s been a long, long winter, but spring is making slushy inroads, which means it’s time for the annual ritual of spring cleaning. Scrub, wipe and polish. It is spring and time to sweep away the grime of winter......
This is when Canadians wipe away winter’s cold and hopefully go even further and recycle unwanted items, gathering dust in neglected corners of the basement or in the back of deep cabinets in the kitchen....

Just a month ago Ottawa residents were tunneling through walkways and streets surrounded by piles of snow as tall as most humans. Melting snow has left a legacy of cracked pavement, crumbling walkways and lifeless shrubbery.

Spring has sprung, the snow has melted. I have to go to clean my house as well. See you later!

( 在地生活北美 )
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