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英解”君子可欺以其方​, 難惘以非其道.”(孟​子萬章上)
2012/12/13 09:23:45瀏覽151|回應0|推薦0

"How to deal with a real gentleman? One can cheat him with
plausible excuses, but not hoodwink him into believing the trick that is a deviation from the norm."

Is the gentleman stupid enough not to tell a lie from a truth? No, I think he knows if he wants to. But as long as the explanation is not
paradoxical by itself, then he won’t fuss it over. Of a mind of
magnanimity and empathy, he will take every reasonable word or move fromothers for granted. Nevertheless, he can hardly be cheated with and coaxed into anything against his principle of lofty proprieties.

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