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試譯 陶淵明 五柳先生傳
2014/02/07 18:49:43瀏覽416|回應1|推薦2

We dont know where is that gentleman from, nor what is his name; he just call himself Five Willows because of the trees beside his cottage.  He is quiet and not talkative, not envious of any fame or wealth.  But he is fond of reading books, though not just to understand the abstruse meaning thereof.  Whenever he reads between the lines of some overtones, he will be so glad that even oblivious of his meal time.  He loves drinking, but he is too poor to have it often.  His relatives and friends are so aware of his situation that they would sometimes prepare feasts for him.  As he is invited, he would indulge himself like going on a binge and get drunk.  But every time when he is drunk, he would go home at once, never lingers any longer or shows any reluctantance to leave.  The walls of his cottage are decorated with nothing, not even able to fend off wind and sunshine.  He is alway wearing a mien of contentment and composure regardless of being clad with worn-out and patched short denim clothes, and living  in a house with empty hampers and ladles.  Mr. Five Willows constantly enjoys himself by writing essays to demonstrate his philosophy towards life, and he intends to live his life until the end of his days without worrying anything about his gain or loss in this mundane world.          


My comments:  Qian Lou, a man of lofty virtue in the era of Spring and Autumn, once said, "Dont lament the reduced circumstance of yours; never pursue the wealth and social position not of yours."  Is the remark applicable to a man like Mr. Five Willows?  He has acquired true happiness through wine and poems; isnt he a man living in the Utopia of ancient times? 

P.S.  Mr. Tao, you are my idol.  I wish I could just be like you. 

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/02/10 08:15
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-02-10 18:08 回覆:
Good, as long as not to get blind drunk.