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試譯: 北京西山無名烈士纪念碑主碑文
2016/04/25 10:48:02瀏覽535|回應0|推薦6


It is said the greatest brave in the world possess unfathomable intelligence and unswerving righteousness, who always keep composure when they are caught napping and cause no stirs when they are inflicted by anything unexpected, for they are persons of lofty aims and with broad bosom.  Whatd lie in the breadth of their mind?  They see people in starvation as they are starving, too; they see people are drowned as they are drowning themselves.  When the nation is in grave peril, they shall part from their family without any hesitation to defy all difficulties and dangers so as to save their nation, even to conceal their identities to hide themselves in enemy camp as to complete the ultimate projects.  They are all sternly duty-bound and not to turn back.  They may succeed, they may fail; they may be imprisoned, they may sacrifice their lives.  They do the duties not for fame, so their great deeds may have been consigned to oblivion. 

The inscriptions are so carved: Alas, deafening sound may be sound of silence, and immense shape may be shape of intangible.  They come here with fearless spirit of courage, and Heaven will rest their immortal soul here in peace, where murmuring stream is forever weeping for them and green hill is forever here to guard them.  Have they been consigned to oblivion?  Absolutely not, the stream and the hill will testify, eternally.

Human, as well as history, is liable to forgetfulness.  Sooner or later our country will eventually reunite, and our nation will definitely thrive again.  In deep reverence, we inscribe the epitaphs onto the monument that erects here, and may our descendants remember and praise those anonymous martyrs one generation after another. 

P.S. Until lately I learned it online that the monument is so built to commemorate the the communists who lost their lives during 228 incident and subsequent White Terror in Taiwan.  FYI, previously I did write a relevant article "朱楓 and 秋瑾" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/15111274.                

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