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2015/02/01 02:06:20瀏覽132|回應1|推薦3

We Chinese people used to have the conventional virtue of "to revere the aged and honor the wise"(敬老尊賢), partly due to the fact that longevity and literacy were relatively rare in those old days.  Nowadays most of us can live as long as over 70-odd years, and most of us are able to read and write; therefore, being old or "wise" is not a privilage any more, at least not worth of particular reverence and worship from others.  So how can we, the aged, accommodate ourselves to this new situation, from which we will be fairly treated.  Yesterday someone emailed me an article in which some do's and don'ts as cautionary tales are told by an anonymous writer at:


Oops, I can't open up the migrated file. (You know, I am a LKK myself.)  Never mind, I did read the same essay several years ago, and I'd translated it into English and posted it at: 


The difference between the two postings are with audio-visual effect vs. without, and with English translation vs. without.   

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
The easiest way
2015/02/01 19:51

is not to to think that you are old.

I seldom felt old myself but feel proud that I have young mind with the fact of being mature.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-02-02 05:07 回覆:
Exactly! I am doing the same way as you are. Thanks.