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2019/07/23 07:22:16瀏覽615|回應0|推薦12

Yesterday I talked about a late colleague of mine was so addicted to Falun Gong that she refused to take any medical treatment to fight against the cancer except the “relief of her belief”.

Well, where are we coming from, where are we going to, and how to prove the existence of everything are the final questions of phisolophy.  So maybe religion is the ultimate answer to explain our bewilderment towards life.  For we Chinese, we can find the consolation and the axioms of behavior from our conventional beliefs such as Confucianism, Taoism, or Buddhism.  If those teachings still cannot comfort you, you can seek the answers you need from orthodox religions like Christianity and Islam, but why having recourse to those heretical "beliefs" such as Falun?

In a video that someone sent me, I found there had been at least a thousand "believers" gathered at somewhere in Taiwan, all wearing deep blue sweaters, kneeling down on the ground, and worshiping their "master"(Miao Tian?), who was bouncing on the stage like a clown.  I really cannot understand what kind of belief in the minds of those belivers.  Perhaps I am a real stupid in their eyes.      

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