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試譯 "三毛說過最美的九句話"
2014/12/15 13:01:21瀏覽1616|回應1|推薦2
I haven't read any article of Sanmao's before, and I am not sure if following quotable remarks are her words.  Anyway, just see if my rendering is a faithful depiction of what the author was trying to convey.   

1. 一個不欣賞自己的人是難以快樂的。
    One who doesn't appreciate oneself is hard to live with joy. 
2. 讀書多了,容顏自然改變。
    The more you read, the more facial changes of yours  will appear, naturally. 

3. 感謝你贈我一場空歡喜,我們有過的美好回憶,讓淚水染得模糊不清了。偶爾想起,記憶猶新,就像當初,我愛你,沒有什麼目的,只是愛你。
    I am grateful to you for bringing me an unrealized happiness.  The beautiful memories that we've had together became blurred with tears.  Once in a while when they come into my mind again, I can still remember them vividly, no need of any explanation.  Just like the days we were when I loved you, and I love you still.   
4. 我來不及認真地年輕,待明白過來時,只能選擇認真地老去。
    I couldn't seriously live my young life; now I understood and I could only opt to live earnestly the rest of my life. 
5. 刻意去找的東西,往往是找不到的。天下萬物的來和去,都有他的時間。
    All things come and go according to their own time; sometimes you can't find a thing without serendipity. 
6. 如果有來生,要做一棵樹,站成永恆,沒有悲歡的姿勢,一半在土裏安詳,一半在風裏飛揚,一半灑落陰涼,一半沐浴陽光,非常沉默非常驕傲,從不依靠從不尋找。
    If I had an afterlife, I would like to be a tree, standing in eternity: with half of my body laid beneath the soil and the other half blown by the winds; half shrouded in coolness and the other half basked in sunshine.  I would be very quiet and peaceful but proud; I'll neither lean on anything nor search for anything, never.   
7. 一個人至少擁有一個夢想,有一個理由去堅強。心若沒有棲息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪
    One should own oneself at least a dream to dream, a reason to be strong.  If there is no place for a heart to perch on, the heart is aimlessly wandering around, nowhere particular.   
8. 我愛哭的時候便哭,想笑的時候便笑,我不求深刻,只求簡單。
    I cry if I want to; I laugh if I want to.  It's simplicity, not depth, that I am yearning for.
9. 知音,能有一兩個已經很好了,實在不必太多,朋友之樂,貴在那份踏實的信賴。
    It takes only a couple of bosom friends for you, no need of too many.  The pleasure of friendship that really treasures is the solid reliance upon one another. 
( 不分類不分類 )
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Just Joking
2014/12/15 23:14

Both Ma Yun and Sanmao seem trying to teach others.  Why do they think they are superior and can 下指導棋?  是被“勝利”或“順利”沖昏了頭?  I don't give it a "dime".   大笑 

By the way, in real world, Ma Yun may likely not stick to his words. Neither does Sanmao.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-12-16 07:48 回覆:
I can't tell if both of Ma Yun and Sanmao are that kind of didatic persons. But I guess Ma must be an exacting boss, that's for sure.