水的清澈, 並非因為它不含雜質, 而是在於懂得沉澱;
The water is transparent not because it contains no impurities; because it knows how to settle the sediments.
心的通透, 不是因為没有雜念, 而是在于明白取捨。
A soul is transcedent not because he has no distracted thoughts; because he knows how to make his choice.
To cooperate with others on small issues, one should lay one's attitude aside and try to respect others' opinion.
To cooperate with others on big issues, one should lay one's interest aside and try to seek an equilibrium for each other.
To cooperate with others on issues of lifetime importance, one should lay one's personal character aside and help each other to achieve the common goals.
一味索取,不懂付出; 一味任性,不知讓步; 到最後必然一無所有。
Soliciting for shrill demands without giving payback and insisting on stronghead actions without making concession will only lead one to nothing.
共同成長, 才是生存之道。工作如此,愛情如此,婚姻如此, 友誼如此,事業如此,修行亦如此。
Growing up together with others is the best way of survival. This principle applies to one's work, love, marriage, friendship, career, and self-discipline.