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試譯 魯迅 自嘲
2023/05/09 12:54:58瀏覽602|回應0|推薦10

運交華蓋欲何求, What can I do when encountering bad luck?

未敢翻身已碰頭。 that hurt me as I try to get rid of them?

破帽遮顏過鬧市, I turned my hat low when I walked on the streets.

漏船載酒泛中流。 like a leaking boat carrying wine on the river.

橫眉冷對千夫指, I glared at others who pointed their fingers at me.

俯首甘為孺子牛。 while I would lower my head to serve the proletariat.

躲進小樓成一統, Yet I shall stand by my position even in seclusion.

管他冬夏與春秋。  regardless of whatever would change in the world.

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