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試譯 唐 許渾 咸陽城東樓 / 咸陽城西樓晚眺 / 西門
2023/04/18 17:20:43瀏覽601|回應0|推薦9

一上高城萬里愁,Homesickness arose as I climbed up the high wall.

蒹葭楊柳似汀洲   Reeds and the willows on the sandbank looked familiar.

溪云初起日沉閣,The sun rising from Xiyun and setting outside the tower,

山雨欲來風滿樓。 where was fraught with wind from the mountains before the storm came.

鳥下綠蕪秦苑夕,Birds were still shuttled in weed-riddle garden at dusk.

蟬鳴黃葉漢宮秋。Cicadas were still trilling among the withered leaves of the palace.  

行人莫問當年事,Travellers needed not know what the places used to be.

渭水寒聲晝夜流Only the chilly River Wei was flowing day and night.  

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