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試譯 杜甫 春夜喜雨
2023/03/26 15:59:17瀏覽690|回應0|推薦13

好雨知時節,當春乃發生。Salubrious rain picks the right season, and spring has arrived.
隨風潛入夜,潤物細無聲。Windy rain creeps during the nights and silently moistens the good land.
野徑雲俱黑,江船火獨明。Trails are obscured by murky clouds; boats are dotted with flashing lights.
曉看紅濕處,花重錦官城。Chengdu will bloom the next morning, the flowers drenched in dews.

FYI, Mr. Du Fu wrote the poem when he and his family were in deeply reduced circumstances in exile during the An-Shi Rebellion. What a great poet with a great mind he is!

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