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2023/03/09 21:21:09瀏覽762|回應0|推薦14 | |
四郊未寧靜,垂老不得安。 There is still war everywhere, and there is no peace for an old man like me. 子孫陣亡盡,焉用身獨完。 My sons have all died in battle, what is the use of leaving an old body of mine? 投杖出門去,同行為辛酸。 Throwing away my stick and going to fight, all my fellow soldiers feel sorry for me. 幸有牙齒存,所悲骨髓干。 Luckily, I still have teeth to eat with, but I am skinny and worn out. 男兒既介胄,長揖別上官。 Since I am a man in armor, I have to bid a farewell to the local official. 老妻臥路啼,歲暮衣裳單。 My old wife is wailing on the road, wearing only thin clothes on this year-end day. 孰知是死別,且復傷其寒。 I know it is a life-and-death part for us, but still, I worry about her catching a cold. 此去必不歸,還聞勸加餐。 This is the journey of no return for me, yet she exhorts me to eat more. 土門壁甚堅,杏園度亦難。 The fortress at Tumen is tall and solid; the one at Xingyuan is also hard to pass. 勢異鄴城下,縱死時猶寬。 The situation has been quite different from the time at Yehchen, I could live longer before I die. 人生有離合,豈擇衰老端。 All men, including a poor and elderly man like myself, are subject to change. 憶昔少壯日,遲回竟長嘆。 When I was young, the whole country and me are strong, but now it leaves nothing but to sigh a sigh of grief. 萬國盡征戍,烽火被岡巒。 The conscription is all over the country, and the battles have even extended to the mountains. 積尸草木腥,流血川原丹。 Dead bodies make grass and wood contain a bloody smell, and the blood dyes the rivers red. 何鄉為樂土,安敢尚盤桓。 Is there such a place as paradise on earth? Where can people dare to stay? 棄絕蓬室居,塌然摧肺肝。 I hereby leave my thatched house, seeking a place to die in this tumultuous time! FYI, the poem is a part of 三吏三別 written by Mr. Du Fu during the time in the An-Shi Rebellion. I also translated another one and posted it in my previous writing: "石壕吏" at https://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/132333003 He is the greatest poet of socialism in Chinese history! Dear fellow islanders, do you really want to see such a pathetic thing happen in Taiwan because of your stupid Taidu or Dutain? |
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