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Taiwan has never had the fate in its own hand.
2014/09/30 01:00:52瀏覽154|回應2|推薦3

In my last writing, once again I used the term "inexorable trend" to describe the historical inevitalbility.  But there had been unexpected incident that would disrupt the course, temporarily.  Let me tell you some stories of my families. 

In early 1950 before Korean War broke out(then my mother and I were still detained in Shanghai, and my father and my brothers already fleed to HK), both of my grand father, a lawyer in Taipei and a former KMT high-rank officer, and his brother, a CPA in Taipei and an incumbent KMT high-rank officer, were having fidgets all day long.  You know, either lawyer or CPA was extremely rare in those days, so both of them were social elites then, but why were they so nervous?  Because they knew PLA were coming soon.  My father later told me that my grandpa even didn't want to buy a pair of new leather shoes to replace his worn-out ones.  When people asked him why was he so frugal, he said it is not necessay to jump into the Pacific with new shoes on.  My grand uncle then was busy investing in fishing boat under the name of boosting long-range fishing industry; actually he and other "inverstors" were trying to flee to the Philipines on the boats when PLA landed on Taiwan. 

Then Korean War broke out.  My grandpa later told us the night when US announced Taiwan is a neutralized area and its 7th Fleet cruised into Taiwan Strait, all-night firecrackers were deafening the city of Taipei.  Under the auspices of US, Taiwan has been "safe" for 64 years until today.  Will there any chance that kind of "disruption" be happened one more time?  Will there be celebrating firecrakers again?   Though it seems most unlikely, I dare not say it won't.  However, from the aspects of historical viewpoint and geopolitics, eventually the unification between Mainland and Taiwan is inevitable as long as Mainland China is there, and she can wait no matter she is strong or weak.  Therefore, think of the history before us and the future lives of the islanders after us, it's high time we made the decision, and "one country, two systems" is the best conditon we can come by.           

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KMT 願“賭”(內戰)不服輸
2014/09/30 07:37

Macroscopically, the history will eventually reflect the reality, namely, KMT let foreign power intervene Chinese civil war and domestic affairs for at least 65 years, besides its de-China Taiwan later.  

KMT has put much more emphasis and higher priority on its own survival over the Chinese nation as a whole.  History is inexorable and ruthless.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-30 08:51 回覆:
Now KMT becomes a group of quislings, having betrayed Dr.Sun's teachings and China!

2014/09/30 07:27

I don't think one can find what you have described in the recorded history.

Also, I wonder how you and your mother got out of detainment in Shanghai.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-30 08:44 回覆:
You know, before Korean War broke out in June 25, 1950, which was not far away from the debacles of KMT in Mainland, CCP allowed anyone to go any place because it knew very well that soon or latter all China would have been theirs, including Taiwan and even HK. Since the War, things have changed. People had to get permit to travel, especially leaving for HK. So my mother wrote a petition letter to then mayor of Shanghai, Marshal Chen Yi, asking for permission. I guess never before would Chen have seen such an elegantly written letter with Chinese writing brush, and he granted the pass without hesitation. FYI, my mother is kind of bluestocking. Guess what, one of her essays written in high school had been later selected as an article in Chinese text book taught in Shanghai junior highs, of course in Nationalist era.