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2024/05/08 09:32:59瀏覽243|回應0|推薦12

I an now in Denver having a family reunion with my son, his wife, and more importantly,with his newborn daughter: my third granddaughter, and the other two are from my daughters. 

The newborn babies look almost all the thin hair, wide nose, relatively crumple skins, and others. But, they will change everyday until their last days on this earth. I only wish them a peaceful and happy life. 

Some people may have a pity for me. Why dont I have a boy grandchild? I dont mind it at all. Why should I? Please see my previous posting again as attached below:

試譯: 白居易《小歲日喜談氏外孫女孩滿月》


No one would have ever known  how far today my wife and I were sent into raptures.


Regretted that my daughter was born late, so the advent of my granddaughter brought us an even bigger surprise. 


A thing is valued when it is rare; love and affection are more tender when we grow older.


The auspicious day fell on winter solstice; after one month I was asked to name her.


Smoking fruits with cassia, while cleansing her sleek body with orchid soup.


a so sweet baby nestled in my arms, why must it be a boy?


PS  You know, my daughter already gave birth to a pair of girls, my two granddaughters.  You will never know how happy I am about it, though I am not capable of expressing my emotion like Mr Bai did over 1200 years ago.  FYI, it is said the idiom "物以稀為貴" is derived from this poem.  Indeed, baby girl is rarer than baby boy, for throughout history the ratio between the two is a constant 100:107.   



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