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2024/06/10 09:06:15瀏覽187|回應0|推薦6

Yesterday morning, I attended my second granddaughters preschool graduation ceremony. Since it was a ceremony, I thought I should dress up properly. So, I put on my long-shelved lace-up leather shoe for the occasion.

I bought the shoe for my hosting the wedding reception of my daughter in Taipei twelve years ago, just before I retired from work. Throughout my professional life, I had seldom worn a lace-up shoe; instead, I preferred to have a leather loafer on in the office. Therefore, that lace-up has been shelved until the second time to serve me: the wedding ceremony of my son in 2017.

Now, that was the third time I wore the shoe yesterday. When will be the next time, and on what occasion? As an old man of 78, I wonder.  

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