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2024/07/01 00:12:31瀏覽255|回應0|推薦14

I am now staying in the South Bay Area, the so-called Silicon Valley. Well, since the area is a valley, it must be surrounded by mountains. Yes, it is.

In the summertime, a large part of the mountains are withered and yellow due to the extreme scarcity of rain and the scorching heat from the sun. They are kind of scary to the people seeing them for the first time, especially when driving closer to those bare rocks. But when the rain comes on winter days, all the mountains will turn green almost overnight. It is magic, and the change happens every year, over and over again. 

The phenomenon makes me remember the famous verse on the topic, which originates from the poem attached.  

試譯 日本 夢窗國師 "禪偈“ - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格

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