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2024/03/22 13:13:52瀏覽247|回應0|推薦7

Over 65 years ago, when I was a junior high school student, I browsed that immortal "A Dream of Red Mansions." I was too young to understand what the author, Cao Xueqin, was trying to tell me then, and all I had was a vague storyline of the book and the names of some main characters. Now I decided to read it again, on a bilingual edition that a good friend and former colleague of mine generously gave away to me yesterday. 

The English edition is translated by the renowned couple of Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang (楊憲益/戴乃迭). I am planning to complete reading the 120 chapters in six volumes of this great novel within a year. So, wish me good luck!

Thank you, Mr. Lin, with my deep appreciation! 

PS. I introduced the story of that legendary couple, 楊憲益/戴乃迭, in my previous posting at https://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/125373963. 

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