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2020/08/04 16:03:21瀏覽611|回應1|推薦7 | |
楚有養狙以為生者,楚人謂之狙公。 旦日必部分眾狙於庭,使老狙率以之山中,求草木之實,賦什一以自奉,或不給則加鞭箠焉。 群狙皆謂苦之,弗敢違也。 一日,有小狙謂眾狙曰:「山之果,公所樹與?」 曰:「否也,天生也。」 曰:「非公不得而取與?」 曰:「否也,皆得而取也。」 曰:「然則吾何假於彼而為之役乎?」 言未既,眾狙皆寤。 其夕,相與伺狙公之寢,破柵毀柙,取其積,相攜而入於林中,不復歸。 狙公卒餒而死。 郁離子曰:「世有以術使民而無道揆者,其如狙公乎!為其昏而未覺也,一旦有開之,其術窮矣!」 A man of Chu lived by fostering monkeys, so people there called him Jugong (Monkey Master). Every morning Jugong must give monkeys assignments, appointing an old monkey to lead the tribe of the monkey to pick fruit and acorns in the mountain. When they came back, each monkey had to give in one tenth of its gains to Jugong as a tribute. If any one dared not to turn in, Jugong would whip that disobeying monkey. So all of the monkeys were suffering pains and fears, but none of them dared defy Jugong at all. One day a young monkey questioned others, " Does Master plant the trees on the mountain?" "Of course not. The tree had been there on the mountain by themselves." "Does no one else have the right to pick the fruits except Master?" "No, everyone has the right." "Now that why must we rely on him and serve him?" No sooner had the conversation ended than all monkeys suddenly saw the whole thing in a clear light. In the dead of the night when Jugong fell into fast sleep, the monkeys broke the railings, fencings, and cages and took away all of the fruit and acorns that Jugong reserved. Together the monkeys run into the woods and never came back to Jugong. Finally Jugong starved to death. Liu Ji notes: Are the rulers who treat their people with political tricks, instead of lawful and reasonable administration, similar to that draconian Jugong? People may be just temporarily unaware of the truth, but once the people are enlightened, any political tricks will reach the end of the road.
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