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試譯 論語鄉黨篇乙則
2021/06/22 21:17:21瀏覽654|回應0|推薦15


The stable was on fire.  When Confucius adjourned the imperial court session of the day and knew the accident, he only asked, "Were there anyone injured in the fire?", without mentioning anything about the horses at all. 

PS  Soon as the US president Biden tweeted that his German shepherd was dead, that Wonky Cai delivered her "condolecens" to Biden for his "loss" of the dog.  Well, has Cai said anything sorry for those 500+ victims of COVID-19 in Taiwan, or the dead of 80+ after injecting Jap-sent AZ vaccine, which to some extent could all be attributed to the inepititude of her government?  Is there least sense of humanity left in her heart?    

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