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2020/06/16 13:06:01瀏覽587|回應1|推薦16 | |
晚年唯好靜,I prefer to a solitary life particularly when I am a senior,萬事不關心。 being concerned with nothing related to mundane world. 自顧無長策, Reckoning no longer am I resourceful and helpful to anything. 空知返舊林。 All I want is retreating to the woods in my old hometown. 松風吹解帶, Let the breeze from pines loosen my robe belt; 山月照彈琴。 let moonlight from mountains acccompany my playing lute. 君問窮通理, You ask me how to reach the realm of ultimate awareness. 漁歌入浦深。 Please listen to the songs that hermits sing into the deep water.
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