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2020/08/29 14:43:44瀏覽444|回應0|推薦9 | |
風勁角弓鳴,將軍獵渭城。 Amid the howling sound of gusty wind and swift arrows combined, the general and his men were hunting on the outer field of the city near Wei River. 草枯鷹眼疾,雪盡馬蹄輕。 The withered grasses could not blind the sharp-eyed falcons, while the thawed pathes helped the horses gallop with lighter hooves. 忽過新豐市,還歸細柳營。 In no time the safari passed the city of Xinfeng, returning to the barracks of Slender Willow. 回看射雕處,千里暮云平。 Looking back to where he shot the raptor, the general could only behold an immense plain extending to the horizon in cloudy dusk.
PS I cannot remember from where I learned and memorized this poem; it might have been from a calligraphy book out of which I praticed my brush writing when I was an elementary school kid.
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