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試譯: 宋 林逋 《長相思·吳山青》
2019/12/24 10:36:51瀏覽402|回應0|推薦9

吳山青,越山青, Green is Mt Wu on the north, so is Mt Yue on the south. 

兩岸青山相送迎,誰知離别情? Green hills greet your ship in between, but who knows how our wrench have been?   

君淚盈,妾淚盈, Tears in your eyes, tears in my eyes,

羅带同心結未成,江邊潮已平.  Could our heart-to-heart silken ties outlast river tides?

PS  Can you believe such a romantic verse is written by a poet of lifetime celibacy?  Mr 林逋 is the one. 

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