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2024/05/02 06:30:49瀏覽209|回應0|推薦8

These days, all households in my neighborhood take out their large-sized, wide-bodied wastes onto the curbsides in front of their front yards. Those things include used furniture, worn-out beds and mattresses, tree trunks, and everything you can imagine that the owners do not need any longer. A neighbor told us that the city will dispatch truck to collect the wastes, and such a municipal service is given once a year. 

Finally, this morning, two huge vehicles came to pick up that trash. One was a garbage truck, at least 20 meters long; the other was a forklift collecting the wastes and dumping them to and fro. While the forklift was working, the truck driver alighted and cleared the debris. Efficient, isnt it? The two vehicles were too large to block the lanes, so all passing cars had to detour. But in less than half an hour, they got their job done. 

We did not have waste to give up except for a broken hose and two empty paint cans. But they are so "tiny" that the garbage collectors ignored them at all. Ha!  

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