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湘西行(五): 鳳凰傳奇(沈從文, 黃永玉,宋祖英)
2018/06/14 20:02:21瀏覽663|回應0|推薦6

The very first time that I have ever heard of the classical town of Feng Huang was when I read Mr Shen Congwens famous novel "邊城" in junior high.  (Actually before that I did watch that HK movie, "翠翠", which was adapted from the novel, but at that time I was too young to understand the story, let alone knowing its origin "邊城".)  The novel made the town of Feng Huang, tucked away in a backwater of western Hunan, a legend and a household name in modern China. 

Then came Mr Huang Yongyu, a great painter from the native of "Tu"  in Feng Huang.  It was his beautiful paintings on the scenery of Feng Huang added more colorful imagination to the town.  (Mr Huang is 90 now, still alive.)  Later on that elegant lady volcalist Ms Song Juyin, a native of minor race "Miao" from Changsha, further propagated the legendary and mystic image of Feng Huang to the world through her mellifluous voice. 

Similar to other classical towns found elsewhere in China, Feng Huang has been way too commercialized mostly because of swarming with tourists.  (Please also see my previous writing: 雲南遊(二) ---古鎮 http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/99863115 )  I hate to see so many pubs and to hear so much pop music in this formerly tranquil town nestled snugly at the foot of an evergreen hill.  For those travellers who want to seek quality tourism in Feng Huang, the only solution is going there during slack seasons.

P.S.  I bought another great work of Mr Shen: "中國古代服飾研究" at " 沈從文紀念館".  I hope I could read it someday.  But tonight I am going to read "邊城" again, and it must be an all-nighter to me.         

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