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湘西行(十): 玻璃橋
2018/06/19 16:18:56瀏覽785|回應1|推薦6

The glass bridge of 400 meters long is hanging over some gorge in Zhangjiajie.  Of course, the bridge is not made all of glass, but only a glass-made passage on the middle of the floor, which is so transparent that the pedistrians can see the seemingly endless gorge below.  It is not that scary indeed, unless you are suffering from acrophobia.  Actually such kinds of "scenery spot" are much hyped, and I think they are not worth a visit. 

But ordinary, curious people never think that way.  It is alright, anyway tourism is tourism.  But I experienced an absurd "scene" amid the long, exasperating  queue for entering the gate to the bridge.  I am a patient tourist, but not so everyone else; nevertheless, they are guests who paid a not inexpensive ticket for the fun, so at least they should be fairly treated as valued clients.  But the security staff of the park treated the swarms of guests like a flock of sheep.  They used the sharp-sounded whistles and harsh yelling to order those guests who went astray to get back to the waiting lines.  How ironic such a scene was.

At the gates of NBA or MLB stadiums of America, or other entertainment venues like Disneyland, there are security staff also, mainly checking whether vistors are carrying dangerous goods or food.  Besides their duties, those guys are basically polite and helpful.  I do hope someday in the near future the security staff in every Chinese entertainment spots could take their American counterparts as their models to copy.                

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我的猜測 ~
2018/06/20 05:36



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-06-20 15:42 回覆:
Yeah, I empathize their hard work. But their jobs were done INSIDE the gate, not beyond. Torists could do almost anything they like on the bridge: lying down on the glass floor, lightly jumping or slowly running on it. So I think those security staff could have rendered their "services" more friendly.