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"上海生與死" (上海生死劫)
2017/12/01 15:32:28瀏覽377|回應0|推薦5

During mid 90's when I was working in New York, one day I took my kids to Barnes and Noble to buy some textbook for them.  Browsing at the bookstore, I found the book "Life and Death in Shanghai" and I bought it.  Perhaps due to the reasons that I'd already read the translation edition in Taiwan, and I didn't have much spare time then, I failed to finish reading the book.  Later when I heard my daughter wanted to major English and Economics in college, so I gave the book to her.

The other day a friend of mine e-mailed me a piece of reportage about a brief biography of the author, Ms. Nien Cheng(鄭念), especially about her remarkable endurance throughout Cultural Revolution.  I would like to share it with you at: 


P.S.  To a certain extent, Cultural Revolution had brought indelible pains to some individual people, though the movement did have its positive function to China as a whole.  Thanks to Heaven, CCP had already announced China will never zheteng(折騰) again.  Maybe, like Ms. Cheng said herself, we should let the past rest. 

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