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2017/12/17 17:11:16瀏覽452|回應0|推薦4

At first glance, you may mistake Dr Yu for the venerable poet Mr Yu, who just passed away the other day, for thier first names are strikingly alike, being with the same characters in different order. 

Dr Yu was a renowned obstetrician and a member of faculty in NTU Hospital during 70's and 80's, who delivered both of my two kids, and so many other babies.  Later on I heard an obituary on neswpaper that he'd died at only 50 or so from karoshi by juggling too many jobs: delivering new lives, teaching, participating in seminars and (international) symposiums, and taking care of his own clinic.  What a shame it was, and what a loss for Taiwan.

Thank you, Dr Yu.  May you rest in peace.      

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