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2018/02/24 16:21:08瀏覽911|回應0|推薦7

In the so-called Boxer Rebellion of 1900, then feeble and backward China under Qing Dynasty declared war against all countries in the world.  The result was predictable but miserable.  In the treaty subsequently signed in 1901, China had to "compensate" allies an enormous figure of reparations which would bring her to the state of being a semi-colony to the world forever and would never have a break of fortune any more, if all remained unchanged.

However, later on situation changed.  America started to return part of its share of reparations to China, and some other countries followed suit.  But America demanded the waived repayment must be so utilized as to enhance China's education.  So the forerunner of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua preparatory school to US universities, was founded.  Was America a good Samaritan, or was there any real intention behind the scenes?  Please see the perspicacious report attached below, if you are interested in.  


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