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故宮文物還給大陸? 不必了, 暫時代管一會兒吧.
2017/11/26 17:34:25瀏覽471|回應0|推薦9

When I was in college, ROC was struggling for defending its UN seat.  Then a classmate asked a professor what ROC's future will be.  The professor simply replied to the question with "as long as the priceless antiques of Palace Museum kept in Taiwan, ROC will be safe".  But he emphasized that ROC will be safe, not Taiwan. 

Now that DPP is trying to get rid of all China's elements from Taiwan like hell, some unificationists are calling for returning the antiques, pure Chinese stuff, to Mainland.  I think DPP must have fully understood it was ROC who brought the antiques to the island, so they'd rather be audacious enough to keep the stuff in Taiwan lest should China's Mainland take vehement action against the island without scruples. 

Well, it is wise for Taiwan to provide safe custody for those antiques under the solemn name of Palace for the time being.  After all, eventually Palace Museum in Taiwan will become a branch to the headquarter of Beijing's.  Attached below is a vedio of lecture narrated by the superintendent of Beijing Palace Museum, as well as other relating links.  In the lecture, he gave a brief history on how a minor part of antiques originally kept in Beijing Palace had been moved to Taiwan, and how much is its ratio out of total volume.      


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