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2017/11/27 17:25:46瀏覽394|回應0|推薦5

"Lagging behind is vulnerable to attack from other countries" is the notion that has become a belief or even a gene ingrained in Chinese people, who are now striving for acquiring highest position in every field.  People in Taiwan may wonder why China's Mainland wants to reach reach number one in all aspects: aerospace, new technologies, industrial products, education, military, GDP, or even GDP per capita.  There may have a long way for her to go, but she won't quit struggling for global predominance; otherwise, she is still vulnerable.

What have made her so "paranoid" about her safety?  Obviously, it is the indelible humiliation and tribulation from outside that she had suffered since 1840.  Among them, one of the most humiliatiing defeat was the cession of Taiwan to Japan.  Therefore, China's Mainland will by no means let Taiwan go away.  Dear islanders, please try to place yourselves in Mainland's position, calmly.    


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