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2017/10/24 16:33:55瀏覽429|回應0|推薦4

In general residential areas here in America, every single house, town house, or condo has its own garage, attached or deattached.  Normally, people should park their cars in the garages, but in reality it is not what you think. 

Except most wealthy areas where residents may park their luxurious cars in the garages or hide them in the woods, people living in ordinary areas almost always park their vehicles along curbsides or on the driveway. Why don't they properly utilize their garages?  To my observation, a lot of house owners treat the garages as their storage room( or workshop).  They pile a wide variety of stuff in the garage: tools, books and periodicals, lawnmowers, used furniture pending disposal, and many other spare articles which are beyond your imagination, including canned food for human and pets.

Obviously, the phenomenon somewhat reflects American style of life: unnecessary waste.  But how do Americans squandering natural resources of  theirs and other countries'?  Please read an indepth report  "美國人到底有多浪費?" at http://www.toutiao.com/a6479750602271228430/.  Thanks. 

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