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雲南遊(九)---What we'd missed in Kunming, Yunnan
2017/04/13 18:18:55瀏覽407|回應1|推薦5

In my last writing, I mentioned itd been a regret that this time I didnt have the chance to see the largest lake of Yunnan, Dainchi(滇池).  But its absolutely not the only one I missed in Kunming. 

The relic of National Southwestern United University(西南聯大), Yunnan Military Academy(雲南講武堂), and the things connected with Gen. Cai Er(蔡鍔) and the uprising of Yunnan in 1915 are the places I have been longing to visit, but I missed them due to the tight schedule that the tour group arranged in advance.  (I guess those group members from Taiwan and the travel agency are not interested in anything relevant to these intriguing, touching, and influential stories of modern China.)

But when the bus took us to airport for returning flight, we did pass Yunna Military Academy.  From its appearance, the academy seemed to have been well preserved.  The school is facing Cuihu Park(翠湖公園), a large and beautiful park where is a comfortable habitat for a myriad of migrant birds from Siberia in every March of the years, as the tour guide told us.  (FYI, Cuihu is one of the original parts of  Dainchi.)


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/04/14 11:16
西南聯大 - 我也會很有興趣,這麼有歷史性的大學,還在嗎?
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-04-14 11:46 回覆:
According to Baidu the university "donated" her normal college to Yunnan province when she returned to Beijing in 1946 to restore the original schools: 北大, 清華, 南開. Now the site in Kunming has become Yunnan Normal University where the original gate of 西南聯大 and a monument dedicated to her are well reserved as a national heritage.