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祖父母是家族裡的傳家寶。透過慶祝祖父母節,我們建立了一座祖孫之間的甜蜜橋樑,並記錄下家庭幸福的美好時刻。 「聽爺爺奶奶說故事」系列已來到最終章,讓我們一起欣賞孩子們的作文作品吧! Our secret garden 9年級陳思彤 In the heartwarming embrace of the countryside, thrived a garden that held a special place in both my and my grandmothers heart. This very own creation belonged to her, in which she had nurtured the soil with tender care. Every morning, as the suns golden rays pierced through my curtains, I would find myself eagerly rushing to the garden with a sparkle in my eyes. My grandma would already be there, smiling warmly, ready to embark on another day of tending to the flourishing plants. Together, we would water, weed, and coax the vegetables to grow strong and bountiful. Among the joy and laughter, the garden became more than just a plot of land; it brought us together. And when the time was right, we would embark on the joyous ritual of harvesting. With baskets in our hands, we would pluck the ripest tomatoes, the plumpest carrots, and the crispest cucumbers. Back in the cozy kitchen, aprons tied securely around our waists, we transformed the freshly harvested bounty into delicious dishes. Grandmas secret recipes and my creative touch blended seamlessly, creating culinary masterpieces like no other. We sat down at the table, enjoying the taste of our hard work. Amidst bites and sips, stories were shared, memories were woven, and laughter echoed through the air. Years passed and yet this garden had become a sacred space, where time stood still. It is a place where I learned not just about growing and harvesting but about family and the beauty of shared experiences. Therefore as I grew older, I vowed to carry forward the tradition, passing down the memory of that extraordinary garden. 祖父母生命故事 9年級王鈺馨 對於我來說,這張照片代表爺爺、奶奶充滿回憶和情感的故事,是他們生命中很重要的片段。照片中,他們笑得十分開心,身處在加拿大洛磯山脈的雪地,享受那片白色棉被的溫暖。這個場景仿佛把我帶回了過去,讓我想起了許多與他們共度的美好時光。 這是爺爺、奶奶第一次和朋友一起出國,可以想像當時他們的心情一定非常興奮和期待,他們勇敢地跨出舒適圈,走向從未想過有機會能去的國家,這份勇氣和冒險精神讓我十分欽佩和尊敬。 我和爺爺、奶奶的關係一直讓我感到十分幸福,他們就住在我們家樓下,每天放學後,我總是迫不及待地奔向他們家,期待品嚐他們烹調的美味晚餐。爺爺、奶奶陪伴我和弟弟的成長。以前,爺爺天天接送我上下學,我還記得他們在校門口等待的畫面,現在隨著我慢慢成長,我漸漸學會獨立已經能夠自己搭校車了呢。另外,特別讓我感動的是奶奶,她經常帶著我去各處探險,一起探索各種美食,逛遍台北的大街小巷。然而,年紀的增長讓她的行動不再像以前那麼靈活,我經常看到她走路時膝蓋會有些吃力。在這些時刻,我會毫不猶豫地上前幫助她,輕輕地攙扶她的手臂,這種感覺讓我更加珍惜我們在一起的每分每秒。 爺爺、奶奶的臉上逐漸出現了細紋,步伐也不如以前輕盈。然而,這些變化並沒有減少他們對我們的愛。每當我看著他們,我就會想起這張充滿笑容的照片,描寫著他們青春歲月的縮影。爺爺、奶奶的故事告訴我們要懂得珍惜當下,感恩身邊的親人,並以他們為榜樣,活出充實,有意義的人生。 祖父母的故事 9年級黃熙予 我的外公、外婆都對我們很好,晚上會煮飯給我們吃,有什麼東西也常常想到我們。小時候爸爸媽媽出差,我都住在外公外婆家,早上都會給我買早餐,帶我去上學,晚上帶我去跳舞,彈琴,等等... 我的外公出生於農村家庭,小學讀到四年級後就外出工作。 民國62年時,當時的外公22歲,也在他退伍的第三天,從雲林麥寮只帶了一個皮箱,一條棉被和280塊就來到了台北。剛開始外公在永和做木工,後來為了以後想做生意,希望接觸許多市場資訊,跑去開計程車跟許多人聊天,還向二姊借十萬,做了汽車買賣。外公、外婆在民國65年結了婚,並在民國69年的時候創業,在新店開了一間香舖和寺廟用品批發;民國71年,買下了自己的第一家店面。而民國84年,台灣開放沒多久,外公去了中國大陸廈門做佛像木材彫刻的生意,開始頻繁往來中國大陸,後來輾轉在泉州長期做生意。 再後來,外公開了一間汽車培訓場,後來也在因緣際會之下,從事對講機和電子晶片的生意,直到近年疫情才決定退休。不過,外公還是保有本業,持續做佛像雕刻和幫助許多台灣寺廟建設。 還有在民國88年時,爺爺也因為對地理陽宅八字很有興趣,至今仍不斷學習。 至今外公都很辛苦堅持自己的夢想,才會有現在的成就。沒有人是一次就成功,一定是累積無數次的經驗,慢慢的走過來,堅持自己所希望所想要的,這才是成功關鍵的第一步。外公雖然很忙碌,時常飛來飛去,但是他十分照顧自己的家庭,雖然現在已經退休,但還是對我們都很好,幸福並沒有一定的答案,人生也不一定是完美的,但是能夠有那麼好的外公外婆,是我一輩子的驕傲。 祖父母生命故事 9年級許巧庭 Talking about my grandparents, their story is quite a unique one with unexpected twists and turns. I believe they both have quite the fascinating backstory and a fantasy-like life. But continuing, though they are divorced now and happily living their own lives, I’d like to use these pictures to let time rewind and talk about a small part of their story. First of all, the picture on the left features my grandma, this was her when she was younger and probably in her 20s. According to my mom, she went abroad to Japan at the age of 30 and continued learning in schools and universities. At the same time, my mom also claimed that she was said to be the campus belle —- the prettiest female student. As my mom continued, she also had perfect scores and was quite the perfect person. The only thing was, while she was abroad in Japan, she didn’t have any time for her children —- my mom, two of my aunts, and one uncle. That being said, she was also really fluent in Japanese, which is something to look up to and learn from, my mom even tried to let me learn Japanese from her once. Nevertheless, due to the absence of my grandmother, my mom’s grandmother was the one who always took care of my mom and her siblings, this allowed my mom and her siblings to create a strong bond with their grandmother. The bonding between my mom, her siblings, and their grandmother eventually made the situation not as bad as my mom and her siblings thought, giving people an idea of how much of an influence their grandmother had on them. Moreover, it wasn’t only their mother who was absent, their father was also constantly absent in their lives. Second, the picture on the right features my grandfather in army uniform. This is because he spent the majority of his life serving in the Navy Army, which I guess may be one of the reasons my grandmother chose to leave him and find a better life in Japan. While he was serving in the Navy, he was also receiving tons of money since their family owned a mine, this also allowed my mom and her family to be able to live in a house that was considered luxurious at the time. As my mom mentioned, there would be enormous fish tanks with fish that some people may not be able to afford, it was a delightful scene, just not for long. What I remembered what my mom said a long time ago, my grandfather used to gamble, consider this as one of the reasons why my grandmother left him and the family, his gambling didn’t stop until the family went from upper class into middle class, that was when my grandfather realized that this could not continue for the good of this family. Even now I am grateful for his change and it did, in fact, give the rest of the family an easier and more normal life. After my explanation, all I could say is that the two pictures both contain a great amount of story, although they don’t explain how my grandparents met and what happened in between their marriage and their divorce, it does briefly explain the earlier parts of their life and gives people an idea of how they continued it. Luckily, they are both still alive and rebuilding their relationship with my mom. In my opinion, I would say that they are truly kind souls with the best intentions in life.
李悟和阿嬤的回億 9年級李悟 I come from a small family, I don’t have tons of memories with my family members. We used to have a reunion dinner every year, but when my grandpa passed away, we stopped having these dinners. I don’t have a lot of chances to talk to my grandparents, they passed away when I was too little to understand a word or I was inside my mom’s belly. My grandma was the one I remembered. We met a few times, my grandma lived in Dan Shui, but we lived in Xin Dian, so we had to travel very far each time we were visiting my grandma. One of the strongest memories I have about my grandma is the first time I went to her house. Her house was small and old. The furniture was really aged too, and the walls looked like they were falling apart. Even though the house seemed small and not in great shape, it felt cozy and nice inside. My grandma had an old dog, but that dog was not very friendly. It would bark at me and my sister a lot. My grandma would make the dog go away and protect us from getting scared. We didnt talk much because we didnt have many chances to stay with her like some other families do. Even though we didnt talk a lot, I could still feel that my grandma cared about me. She showed it with actions she did instead of words. She would buy us candy and buy us toys. At first, we thought the toys she got us werent very good, but later I realized that she didnt know what we liked to play with, she was trying her best to make us happy and create good memories. She was a really nice old lady, but every good thing has a downfall, I was in shock when my grandma was sick, she had a serious disease, that made her health decline, and she was in so much pain, I remembered visiting her in her last times before she passed away, I was traumatized, to see a really nice old lady, that loved me, started to not be able to walk, eat, or do things on her own, it felt really painful inside my heart, after a while, it still happened. My grandma passed away, and all of my grandparents are gone, no more dinner, no more visiting, just memories of her. I remember my dad came home crying when grandma died, it was the first time I had experienced a family member close to me passing away, and my dad cried like a baby, I wasn’t sure what to do, I couldn’t cry, not because I am a cold-blooded freak, but because I am too shocked to cry, it was also my first time seeing my dad cry. He is a really strong, independent man, he never cried, but that night was the first time I saw him cry that loud. I was really sad too, to think of that time now, I still feel a little bit sad. My memories of my grandparents and my grandma are like a puzzle, each piece is a certain moment, an event that impressed me, even though I didn’t have much chance to spend time with them, I can still remember what it’s like to be loved by my grandma, she used little bit of time, to show how much she loved me, and I will certainly favor the times and memories we had. |
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