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2018/02/08 14:44:41瀏覽1224|回應3|推薦44 | |
探視老友重訪故地當然是包修士此次來台的重點,以前住了幾年的西藏路公寓他都還找得到;在回故地探舊的時候,還意外地巧遇了兩位舊識。去輔大找一位事先約好的朋友,就在校園遇到了谷寒松神父。而到了他心念許久的愛愛救濟院舊址,如今已改建為大樓的現址,更遇見現年83歲的愛愛創辦人,一名嫁給日本人的台灣護士,她還帶著修士進到辦公室,從電腦資料裏調出當年一些有包修士的照片。看來包修士此次來台,是有些斬獲。 大陸 不太受限框架的包修士,對許多事常是以開放態度看待,羅諄是一例。在即將畢業的兩年前,唸台藝大電影學系的羅諄,面臨從事所學相關行業,或是,身為牧師長子跟隨父親志業走傳道之路的惶惑與抉擇;也是受到德蕾莎姆姆生平事蹟的感動,在這樣的困惑當中,他想到加爾各答體驗一下修會的生活,於是他輾轉由姜樂義老師這邊找到了包修士,在他們會院過了幾週從未經驗過的修士生活,這期間,他也跟著修士們在天色未明的清晨就起來早禱,在垂死之家做完早上的服務,一般志工都只在上午或下午擇一時段上工,羅諄則常在做完上午的班後,覺得意猶未盡或是不放心下午的志工少很多,中午回到修會吃過中飯後,又趕回垂死之家接著做下午班。他跟著修士們同作息、同進出,也參加四旬期的避靜。謙沖誠懇的包修士甚至提到,羅諄要做早禱時,比修士都還早到。 此趟的修會之旅,似乎也讓羅諄確立了畢業後要走的路,因為他現在已在北京做傳道。因緣際會地,包修士原本來台想跟羅諄見面,卻因他人在北京,正可陪修士到河北獻縣去拜訪一個以德蕾莎姆姆之名所設立的善會,仁愛福傳德蘭善會,一個平信徒的公益組織,起源於一張德蕾莎姆姆的話語,有關幫助窮人的聖善卡;由一些上班族定期在星期日,或是不定期的冬閒農民幫鄰近的窮人打掃、洗澡、餵食及送食等,成立十多年的善會如今會員近六百人,有藍天白雲意含的會衣,也舉辦避靜等事項。 前往目的地的火車上,包修士跟30多位年輕人聊了很多,其中就有人提到,現在的中國是窮得只剩下錢,他們自己都覺得中國人沒有愛;也提到國人在中國傳教比較沒問題,外國人就較有問題。既然由宗座授權的神職人員不被允許在中國傳教,較好的模式,還是大陸志工服務大陸窮人。德蘭善會以這種公益的形式在地方行善,也不失為一種福傳。 包修士提到,德蘭善會曾在幾年前發過一封電子信到仁傳會的信箱,由於是中文信,修會內並沒有人看得懂,那封信就被擱置著,直到2015年,善會組團到加爾各答,包修士見到他們後才弄清了原委,並得知有這樣一個團體,默默地以姆姆的精神在大陸進行著她生前未竟的願望--在大陸設分會服務窮人。看到這一切的發生,相信包修士有很深刻的感受;他這次去獻縣,德蘭善會的人表示要跟仁傳會多學習,修士反而覺得要跟他們學習;不過他們倒是有個共識:踏著姆姆的腳步行遍中國。 從羅諄因修會生活體驗而確立了傳道之路的例子,我們想到,如果現在的男女修會能多開放給好奇的年輕人體驗修會生活,時間不是一週,而是一個寒假或是暑假,人數未必要設定門檻,對於他們日後選擇聖秩聖召,或許會是個啟發。 是否包修士因對德蕾莎姆姆的深愛,以他的中文能力,曾經想過,要完成她想在大陸成立會院的未竟之願?包修士自己對中國的使命所抱持的態度則是將時程放在退休之後,且讓我們拭目以待天主將如何成就吧! 包修士聖誕節來信原文: Missionaries of Charity Brothers, 37, Tangra Road, Kolkata 700015, India Christmas 2017 Dear friends, This year I have recently had a change of residence – to another house in Kolkata where we have a home for about 40 HIV/AIDS patients. These men are all from very poor families or from the street (where drug addiction is often part of their story.) They are usually brought to us either when they become too sick and their family cannot give the needed care or when they are found in the street in a dying condition or with big untreated wounds. They stay with us either until they are well enough to return to their family and continue their medication (provided free from a government hospital) or, for more serious cases, until they pass away. Those from the street can sometimes be relocated back with their families. What surprises me is the cheerfulness of these men. They know about their illness. They know that they might not become well enough to again be able to do the hard work to support their families but there is an acceptance that comes across in their polite and cheerful greetings. One of these men was admitted from the street a few weeks ago with a big wound on his leg. It is better I not give more details about the wound but it is sufficient to say that the future did not look (or smell!) good for that leg. A few days after his admission I went to see him. While I was standing by his bed the Brother in-charge who was also the one to daily clean and dress his wounded leg came to see him. The Brother gave him a stern lecture and scolding about what he should and should not do while he was here with us. The patient listened with a straight face and appropriate respectful nodding. As soon as the Brother left, he turned to me and, with a big smile and a “thumbs up”, said, “Very good Brother!” – and the patient opposite him added his agreement. They seemed to want to assure me that, behind those stern words, they knew that Brother’s caring love for them. Since then the miraculous healing powers of the human body (+ some skilled dressing, medicines and hygiene) have restored that wounded leg with new healthy flesh. It is a privilege and a blessing to be with these men and we can only be grateful to those whose support makes it all possible. May they all know “the joy of loving” – as Mother Teresa (now “Saint Teresa” but we still think of her as “Mother”) would often express it. At the first “Christmas” God blessed us by giving himself in Jesus. May this Christmas be a time of blessing for all of you and your families as your share your blessings with them. 包修士聖誕節來信譯文: Missionaries of Charity Brothers, 37, Tangra Road, Kolkata 700015 , India Christmas 2017 親愛的朋友們, 最近我搬到加爾各答的另一個家舍, 是收容約40名愛滋患者的地方. 這些人都是家裏很窮困或是流落街頭的罹病者(毒癮經常是他們故事裏的一部份), 他們被送來的時候, 往往是病情太嚴重, 家人照顧不來, 或者是流落街頭呈垂死狀態或有未治療的大傷口. 他們待在我們這裏康復到可以回家並持續治療(公立醫院免費提供), 或是更嚴重的患者待到往生. 在街上被發現的患者, 有時候還可以康復到搬回家住. 讓我訝異的是這些人的和樂. 他們知道自己的病情, 清楚自己不可能痊癒到再幹粗活以維持家人的生計, 但在他們禮貌和靄的問候中看得出接受現實. 有一位幾個星期前從街頭住進來的患者, 腿上有一個大洞, 在這兒也不用詳述那個大傷口的情形了, 反正那條腿看起來(或聞起來)是前途堪虞. 他入住的幾天後, 我去看他, 我站在他的床邊時, 負責這裏、也是每天幫他清創的修士, 也過來看他; 修士訓了他一頓還告誡他,跟我們住在一起, 有哪些該做的, 以及哪些不該做的. 這個病人挺著一張臉聽訓, 畢恭畢敬地點著頭. 修士一離開, 他就轉向我, 用一個大大的笑臉, 舉出按讚的大拇指說:「非常好的修士!」而他對面的病人也附和他的認同; 他們像是在向我確認, 在那些嚴峻言詞的背後, 他們知道修士對他們的關懷與愛. 從那之後, 奇蹟式的人體治癒力(加上一些精湛的用藥如敷藥、服藥及注射), 腿傷已經復原並長出新肉了. 跟這些人在一起, 真是一項特權與祝福, 而我們只能感謝那些支持者, 讓這一切成為可能. 願他們都瞭解德蕾莎姆姆(現在是「聖德蘭」, 但我們還是把她想成「姆姆」)經常說的「愛的喜樂」. |
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